The above is just one sample of a Voter Registration Card. We want to call attention to the upper right-hand corner of the document. “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” What defines a “citizen” of the United States of America? When filling out this card, you have two choices of answers to this question, “yes” or “no”. What would happen if an illegal alien, or “undocumented immigrant”, answered this question by marking “yes”. Our answer to this question is, “NOTHING!” Nothing is likely to happen to this individual, at least without an investigation. Why would we say this, after all, isn’t it against the law for a “non-citizen” to vote in our elections? Well, that is the question we want to address in our blog today.

What makes a person a “citizen”? If you attend any gathering, and are in the audience, are you not a member of that audience? If you are a student in a classroom, even if you enter the classroom by mistake, are you not considered a person in that classroom? If you visit a new church on Sunday, would you not be considered an attendee of that church service? Is a person who holds a “Green Card” a citizen? Are those who are allowed to stay within our Nation’s borders pending asylum review, are they considered to be citizens? How about those illegal aliens who receive from our government, or any NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), a phone, cash cards, transportation, housing, healthcare and schooling, do they consider themselves to be citizens? What about those who are granted “Temporary Protected Status”, do they consider themselves to be citizens? We are not building a case for excusing those who illegally enter our country and who may end up voting, but what we do want to do is to shed some light on the confusion that may exist in the minds of those who come to our Nation without first making the appropriate application for legal citizenship. If one of those individuals is now present within our Nation, might they consider themself to be a part of this country since they are in it? Usually, they cannot speak our language, and undoubtedly know little of our culture and less of our laws. They become nearly totally dependent upon others to assist them in their integration processes. Herein lies part of the problem. Many who provide “assistance” have an ideology and purpose contrary to our Nation’s laws. Often there is an ulterior motive to those who claim to help. When you sign a document, or click on the “I accept these terms” when agreeing to any streaming or app service, or just about any contract, do you always read the fine print? We wonder if the fine print under the signature line on the card above is pointed out to the illegal alien when being prompted to sign the card by an unscrupulous agent of any NGO or current government agency. We suspect that fewer illegal aliens might agree to sign these forms if they knew the penalty for false statements could cost them up to $125,000 and 5 years in jail. Of course, that assumes that some unidentified person or organization uses an unestablished method of determining citizenship and would spend the time and effort to challenge a single individual in an expensive court process. For those who assist aliens to fill out forms, do they ever inform them of the consequences for documenting false information? We have stated in a previous blog that having an illegal alien vote may be the end of the process for the attempt to flood the voter rolls with Democrat voters, but this is preceded by other less noticed influences that have a direct impact upon the governing of our Nation. Specifically, some areas in our Nation allow non-citizens to vote in local elections on local issues. Also, our Nation’s Census, taken every 10 years, asks for ALL people to be counted within an area, not just legal citizens. For further understanding, refer to our blog on March 10, 2024, titled, “THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE”. Our Nation’s House of Representatives is formed from Census results, including ALL people, not just legal citizens. National laws can be passed or defeated by the improper weighting of the number of state’s Representative’s by counting non-citizens, thus allowing illegal aliens to determine our own laws. Democrats have continually thwarted efforts to put a citizenship question on the Census. Why? If they didn’t believe fraud existed in our electoral processes, then why do they fight so hard to prevent election reviews or recounts? If they knew or believed our elections were above-board, transparent and free of any form of fraud, they would gladly welcome and assist in any investigation or review of any election, to shut up the neigh sayers. Why do they resist any investigations into potential election fraud. We feel the answer is obvious. They will do whatever it takes, allow whatever fraud may be present, to help them to achieve their desired outcomes. It is truly strange that ID must be shown to get on a commercial airplane, or even into the Democratic National Convention, but when it comes to exercising our most sacred duty as a legal United States citizen, proof of citizenship is not required to vote.

For a moment, consider the individual who may unknowingly vote in any of our Nation’s elections. Whose job is it to ensure that the voting individual is actually a citizen? Assuming you can find that person or institution, how is that done? We have ways of knowing when a person from one voting area moves to another voting area. We have ways of knowing who may pass from this life and is no longer alive to vote. We have ways of knowing who may be incarcerated and who may be prevented from voting. We also have ways of determining if a person who signs a mail-in ballot is actually the person who received that ballot. But how do we know if the person is actually a citizen? Right now, our Nation is unable to definitively determine citizenship, not only on Census forms, but also on voter registration cards. Proof of citizenship is not required. It is dependent totally upon an “honorary system” where we expect all individuals filling out a voter registration card to be truthful and honest. People who cross our borders illegally, and have already violated our laws, cannot be assumed to be honest and truthful on any of the forms they may fill out.

Under current “motor-voter” laws, those who are in our country illegally can obtain an ID (identification) card giving them the authority to drive. This ID is also what can be used to complete a voter registration card. This process is totally acceptable for those current legal citizens who do not or cannot drive. What is crazy is that hardly any identification is required to fill out a voter registration card. A Social Security Card number is not required. Note the card above. “A paycheck stub, a utility bill, a bank statement, a government document” are all acceptable forms of ID. Understand that in the state of Oregon, landlords are allowed to rent to illegal aliens. Once they are in a property and receiving utility bills, that is the only proof they need to register to vote.

Until our Representatives and Senators in Congress put on their “big boy pants” and do the right thing and make our Census for legal United States citizens only, and require PROPER ID to vote, our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are in deep jeopardy. Only a change in the power levers of our Nation will bring about the needed change to secure our governing and electoral processes. This coming November, vote for change at all levels in our upcoming election. If our Executive and Legislative branches are not secured in this next election, be forewarned that the greatest ever experiment in self-government, The United States of America and her Constitution and Bill of Rights, will fail. If this happens, you and yours will have to learn how to live with less, own less, travel less, earn less, speak less, work more and die earlier.