Beaker, one of our favorite Muppets characters. Innocent, obedient, and always seemingly on the short end of any accident. We suppose that having your hair on fire could potentially have an impact on your brain, maybe even searing it a little. We are defining the word “SEARING” by using “”: “serving to burn or char the surface of something”. One can sear your meat when cooking it to lock-in the juices and flavor. One can experience a searing pain, or a searing emotional experience that can leave a permanent emotional scar.

Have you thought recently about your “CONSCIENCE”? What is it? Where did it come from? Is your “CONSCIENCE” different from another person, and if so, how and why? It seems evident that “CONSCIENCE” is derived by something that happens within each of our own thought processes. “CONSCIENCE” is formed from our experiences, from our training, from our social interactions, and from our own study. It is developed over time beginning at our birth. There probably is a portion of our “CONSCIENCE” that may come from the seeds of DNA passed on to us by our parents. How and where we are raised, from our early youth on up, help to define and refine our “CONSCIENCE”. “CONSCIENCE” is “An awareness of morality in regard to one’s behavior; a sense of right and wrong that urges one to act morally. A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement. Conformity to one’s own sense of right conduct.” ( It is obvious that there is an important moral element to one’s “CONSCIENCE”. Each one of us applies our own “CONSCIENCE” to differentiate between right and wrong. For further study on the topic of “CONSCIENCE”, please read our blog posted on June 16, 2021, titled, “WHAT ESTABLISHES CONSCIENCE”. Is it possible to have one’s “CONSCIENCE SEARED”?

The forming of one’s “CONSCIENCE” is to some degree predictable based upon many of the factors we mentioned earlier. One’s “CONSCIENCE” can be corrupted over time due to many of the same factors that developed it. One needs to define what a “corrupted” “CONSCIENCE” looks like. One’s “CONSCIENCE” can be “corrupted” from a center point of neutrality. “CONSCIENCE” can swing toward good or toward bad, either toward right or toward wrong. We would like to believe the preferred state of a “CONSCIENCE” would lean away from neutrality toward that which is good or right. It is counterintuitive to think that a bad or wrong “CONSCIENCE” could be “corrupted” toward that which is good or right. The very definition of “corrupted” is “Marked by immorality and perversion; depraved. Dishonest. Containing errors”. ( So, we will state that “CONSCIENCE” is our thinking processes that let us know the difference between good and evil, and that the vast majority of us have angels sitting on our right shoulders telling us to do what is morally right and good. The “corruption” of one’s “CONSCIENCE” then allows the devil on the left shoulder to lean one’s thoughts and actions toward thinking and doing what is morally wrong and bad. As we stated in our blog title, this would lead to a “CONSCIENCE SEARED”, a “CONSCIENCE” being “corrupted”.

Some individuals have been raised, educated, and taught in the ways of sociopathy. Please read our blog on June 13, 2021, titled, “DANGERS OF SOCIOPATHS”. We have heard enough of the lies being told over the last several days during the democratic national convention. Where simple research of the facts, available in multiple ways, would clearly refute unsubstantiated claims promulgated by multiple democratic speakers and supporters. We can only attribute this scourge in our society to be due to many having their “CONSCIENCE SEARED”. They have been “gaslighted” for years, believing lies to be the truth. They have failed to seek truth and are comfortable in believing and spreading lies told by others. They have no problem, nor do they see any conflict in their “CONSCIENCE”, in projecting their own sins upon the lives of others who do not have those same sins. Truly they are comfortable in having their “CONSCIENCE SEARED”. They have no problem living with the devil on their left shoulder. They have found comfort in sinful acts, ones of both commission and those of omission. They have no problem killing those still in the womb. They see no problem in violating any laws if doing so enables their desired outcomes. Morality for them is defined by doing whatever is necessary to get their way. Their beliefs and ideologies are how they would define their “morality”. They often speak using godly and righteous tones, but their actions are contradictory and speak louder than their words.

Let’s look to the authority on a “CONSCIENCE SEARED”. I Timothy 4:1-2. “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” (New International Version.) Their outward sanctity is stained with their hypocritical guile. “Professing to lead others to holiness, their own conscience is all the while defiled. Bad consciences always have recourse to hypocrisy.” (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary.)

The only way to counter those who are sociopaths is to defeat them. You cannot debate them or argue with them, for their “CONSCIENCES” are too badly “SEARED”. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, you must vote to change out those who control the power levers in our Nation. However, your vote is not sufficient in and of itself. Prior to casting your vote, you need to insure those with whom you have contact also vote for this change. If they are not registered to vote, register them. If they cannot get to the polls to vote, take them. If they need assistance in returning a mail-in ballot, provide them with the assistance they need. Your small part, your seemingly insignificant part, is part of the vital whole that is required to bring about the changes necessary to save our Nation. Your most sacred duty in our Nation is to vote. Make it count.