Eagle Nebula, M16, Finger Nebula, or Star Queen Nebula, the “Pillars of Creation”

What you are looking at is a dense cloud of gas and dust that is approximately 7000 light years from earth. The picture was taken by the Hubble Telescope in 1995. Do you understand how far 7000 light years is from us? Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second. This equates to 41,150,377,612,285,254 miles. That is over 41 quadrillion miles. First comes hundreds, then thousands, then millions, then billions, then trillions, then finally quadrillions. The farthest object seen from earth is 21 billion light years away, HD1, found by the James Webb Sace Telescope (JWST) in 2023. Not thousands of light years away, but billions of light years away. Let’s look inward for a moment. Can you see an atom, a proton, neutron, or electron? The smallest known particles of matter are quarks and leptons, the fundamental building blocks of protons, neutrons, and electrons. You cannot “see” any of these particles of matter, yet we know they exist. You cannot see the wind, but you see its effects. You do not know from where the wind came, or where it is going. Jesus said in John 3:8, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. “ As humans, we live in a world of finites. We have end to our sentences. We know exactly how tall we are, or exactly how much we weigh, because we can compare them against fixed measurement devices. But not a one of us can see the smallest building block of our world, nor do we know the end to our universe, for we cannot fathom infinity, and these are just things that we only perceive as visible. Above, beneath, to the left and right are things we do not perceive, for we cannot see them nor grasp them. They are invisible to us both in space and time. What a marvelous universe in which we live. There is no way we can even begin to comprehend the depth and breadth of our existence. WHY ARE YOU HERE?

There is something within each of us that makes us tick. We all have different likes and dislikes, and not one of us shares our conscience, for it is ours alone. As individuals we make plans and develop processes. We execute them as we desire and see fit. We are autonomous, yet we are not alone. We have relations with others, and often meld together our efforts to achieve outcomes, yet in doing so we often submit a portion of our will for the greater good. However, there live among us those who have seared their conscience and inflict their will upon others in violent and evil ways upon their victims. Why do some choose to do what is right while others choose to do wrong? WHY ARE YOU HERE?

Do you believe you have no purpose in life? Some believe they are a candle that will one day burn out and leave little trace of their life. They measure their life span in years and see a finality to their existence. Our aim today is to bring doubt to this belief. We have shown that there is no end to those particles smaller than what we can see, for they are surly smaller and smaller. We cannot perceive that those tiny building blocks of life are comprised of energy or particles even smaller. We have shown that there is no end to our universe in time and space, for we cannot measure its width and breadth. Knowing these things to be true, why would one expect that our existence, as a part of this creation, is not also without measurable end? We live in the middle of eternity, an unmeasurable existence, and that only of what we can perceive visually or with our instruments. To believe that nothing else exists beyond those spectrums is to place limits which exist nowhere else in our universe.

We are fortunate to live in a Nation where we have FREEDOM and LIBERTY to pursue our existence. To meditate upon our purpose. To seek that which is beyond our grasp. WHY ARE YOU HERE? We believe we are here for a purpose, and it is our task to live a life as one would desire to live it in eternity. Many of us desire to make this journey with simple guidelines, to love our God, and to love our neighbor (Mathew 22:36-40). “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” If we do these things, we have hope that what lies beyond our physical death is a spiritual life without end, filled with wonder and joy. WHY ARE YOU HERE?


The process of LIPOSUCTION

Fat. Usually, a subject we would prefer to avoid. Some fat can be good, for it stores energy for our bodies. However, trans fat can suppress HDL (good) cholesterol levels which can be a very bad thing. Many of us may choose to cut off excessive fat from the turkey, chicken or beef we may cook but removing it all can affect the taste of the meat. Generally, some fat may be useful, but too much can be a very bad thing. When it comes to many of our bodies in the United States, when we look in a mirror standing sideways, we often become self-aware of our body image and can go to great efforts to re-image our bodies into the forms of Barbie or Ken. Doing so can lead to dangerous body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or other eating disorders. More recently ads on our TV screens, laptops and cell phones have highlighted numerous ways to reduce body fat. We have seen the ads for pills, and even injections used to help reduce belly fat, nearly always disclosing in the fine print below the images that the product must be used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise. Duh! Thus, giving rise to the “couch potato” image. If you lay around and stuff your face with unhealthy foods, you might as well start sprouting potato leaves.

Our Nation certainly has a problem with obesity. According to the CDC, “. . . more than 2 in 5 U.S. adults have obesity.” “Obesity accounts for nearly $173 billion in medical expenditures in 2019 dollars.” “The prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults 20 and over was 41.9% during 2017 – March 2020. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity among U.S. adults was 9.2%. This means that more than 100 million adults have obesity, and more than 22 million adults have severe obesity.” “The prevalence of obesity increased from 30.5% in 1999 – 2000 to 41.9% in 2017 – March 2020. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%” (cdc.gov). The trend is not getting any better, for obesity in our youth increases as well. “One report in JAMA Pediatrics found that nearly one in three adolescents and teens has prediabetes and the rate among 12 to 19 year-olds more than doubled between 1999 – 2002 and 2015 – 2018, jumping 12 percent to 28 percent.” (diabetes.org.) We are glad to see that our new Secretary of Health and Human Services will be looking at ways to reverse these trends in our society by concentrating on those “forever chemicals” and other food additives that have continued to contribute to the obesity of many of our Nation’s citizens.

We are very concerned with the bodily health of many within our Nation, but we often fight against those who claim, “My Body, My Choice”. Those who love their big, fat, overweight, diabetic bodies. Some may eventually choose to use LIPOSUCTION to suck out unwanted fat beneath layers of belly skin, but without a change in eating and exercising habits, the change may only be temporary. There is another form of fat that inflicts our Nation. There is a fiscal fat that continues to build up within our National government. As a Nation, we have excessive fat being constantly exposed in our ever-growing National debt. For decades leaders have claimed to bring our Nation’s waste, fraud, and abuse under control, but for decades, they have all failed to see any significant progress to their professed goals. Many have become captive to lobbyist’s dangling money in front of their re-election funding coffers. It is too easy for congressional leaders to spend other people’s money, our tax dollars, without any personal accountability. And along came DOGE (Department Of Government Efficiency). It is about time that people, other than politicians, have been given the task to seek out in-efficient funding apparatuses. Intelligent businessmen and smart young computer experts have been set loose on our Nation’s fraud, waste, and abuse like bees on a honeycomb. But their efforts are trying to be thwarted by those who occupy government entities who act like the thick layers of skin over the fat that needs excising. For too long many of these individuals have personally thrived on the fattening sweets hidden by often secret dealings and kickbacks. They are defenders of the slimy, greedy, and in fact corrupt practices making money and power their god. They will do anything they can to keep their ability to continue feeding at the money trough, for money often means power.

What needs serious LIPOSUCTION? Medicaid, where millions if not billions are surreptitiously funneled to support illegal aliens, the lazy, and the fraudulent. The Department of Defense, where they haven’t been able to produce any kind of successful audit in years. Who knows where your tax dollars are wasted and abused. The Department of Education, where more money is spent on infrastructure and staffing supposedly to support student performance, but where results land us nearly at the bottom of student performance worldwide. Non-Governmental Organizations are formed out of more loopholes than Swiss cheese. The influence of big tech and monopolistic entities control their own fate through the destruction or consumption of their opposition, and they pull on the heartstrings of many politicians who are eager to receive their funding favor. Let us not again forget the large pharmaceuticals who spend billions for influence while keeping many within our Nation under their control through medicines and even jabs creating unhealthy dependence, an obese Nation, a sickly Nation.

It is long past time for WE THE PEOPLE to take control of our government to reestablish our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to ensure its continuation once established at the founding of the greatest nation that has ever existed on the face of this earth. Shun the court challenges made only to shield the hidden fat. Reject the complaints of those who only seek their nefarious vein drip of fraudulent financial gain. Seek the truth. Speak the truth. Live the truth. Link arms with fellow patriots to finally put an end to waste, fraud, and abuse. Be proud once again of this Nation blessed by our Creator.


Well, actually you did say that.

To be completely fair, the past President of the United States was not the only person to ever make that statement. Just so you know we are not fibbing, he said so on September 14, 2024, in his speech to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner (presidency.ucsb.edu), although other occasions could be listed as well. We want to focus in on those two seemingly insignificant words and what they say to us. First, let’s lay some predicate. In our Nation we do have the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to prosper and achieve. If one sets their mind and body to a desired task at hand, nearly anything is possible within the confines of our Creator’s designs and our Nation’s laws. We would actually phrase it differently than by simply saying in our Nation you have “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”. Let us explain why we would express this opportunity differently.

“ENDLESS”. Would you please point to where “ENDLESS” is? When we say our universe is “ENDLESS”, could you point to the place where you could see it end? We live a life filled with finites. Minutes, hours, days, months and years all have endings. We place periods at the end of our sentences. When we plan a trip, we start at the beginning and end up at the end, wherever that may be. The seasons have endings, as do baseball innings, football quarters, and the last book you may have just finished reading. How motivated would you be if we told you to go run on a track endlessly, without ever stopping? Would you want to begin that task? We doubt it. “ENDLESS” doesn’t seem to offer much incentive to begin. Let’s look at the second word in our phrase above.

“POSSIBILITIES”. How much confidence would you place in any task if there were only the mere hope of a possible outcome? Would you ever start a trip if the destination were unknown? What if that trip had possible destinations that could be unproductive, harmful, or even life-ending. When you go to a restaurant, might you decide not to go if one of the potential “POSSIBILITIES” was that the food there was poison, or that there might be the chance of the roof caving in on you while you are eating? “POSSIBILITIES” leaves an awful lot to chance, increasing risk, and unknown and undesirable outcomes.

We cannot speak for you, but as for those in our circle of influence, we find the words “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES” to be vague, pointless, and not worthy to spend effort or time in its pursuit. With no assured outcome, either in time or task, we feel most would forgo that “trip” and choose another method with greater finality, both in time and task. So, when the previous President of the United States claimed that you have “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”, what did you picture in your mind? Anything other than a nice grouping of two words? Were you motivated to proceed forward, given a direction to follow, and outcome to be achieved? Without specifics, you might as well just go walk on a treadmill . . . . continuously . . . . without end. We can think of better groupings of words that might provide a reason to begin and to achieve.

A President should give you hope of achieving something, with a definable path forward. How about “DETERMINATE SUCCESS”. A wall along our Nation’s southern border is being competed, and personnel have been retasked and repositioned to stem the tide of illegal aliens flooding into our Nation. Illegal alien criminals are being rounded up and are beginning to be sent back to where they came from. Fraud, abuse, and waste of our tax dollars are being revealed and eliminated, the first of several steps to stem the hemorrhage into our National debt. Our Nation’s hemispherical security has been brought more clearly into focus as our new Secretaries are active in this pursuit. Hostages are being returned to their loved ones. Girl’s sports are being siloed to only biological girls. Procedures and processes are being implemented to assure hiring and promotions are based on experience and competency, eschewing quota and other ideological requirements. The acknowledgement of our Creator and our need to humble ourselves in thanksgiving and praise to Him are being proclaimed from the highest authorities. Goals have been set forth, paths forward have been directed, and results are being witnessed.

We are not motivated in the least by being told of “ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES”. What does motivate us is when we see a President fulfill promises that have been made. When we can see the gold pot at the end of the rainbow, we are motivated to do our part to help resecure and protect our individual and National FREEDOM and LIBERTY, not just for ourselves, but for all those who may follow us in this life in this the greatest Nation that has ever existed on the face of the earth. Praise be to Him for His grace and mercy, and His Will being carried out now by many of those who are in control of the power levers within our Nation’s government.


“Equal justice under the law is a phrase engraved on the West Pediment, above the front entrance of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C.” (Wikipedia.) We have often viewed Lady Justice as a blindfolded figure holding the scale of justice in one hand and a sword in the other. The pros and cons, the good and bad, the right and wrong, weighing the innocence or guilt, are measured with the scale. Should the scales tilt toward the guilty, the sword is meant to execute the judgement. Unfortunately, sometimes the scale is not balanced properly, and inappropriate weight is applied to one side of the scale or the other, and Lady Justice is not wearing a blindfold. The unrighteous, those with evil intentions, often without fear of retribution and with severed conscience, will manipulate the levers of justice, and pervert the law to achieve their ideological agendas. Under our Constitution and Bill of Rights, this nefarious process was never intended by our Founding Fathers to be pursued in obtaining “equal justice”. However, over the last several decades, “equal justice” has in many situations and in many ways become “unequal justice”.

Most of us when we enter a courtroom expect those officiating to be unbiased in their proceedings. However, the reality is that though certain men and women have put on the black robe of judgeship, they cannot and often do not take off their mental robe of ideology. Even if they can disengage from the social influences surrounding them, depending upon their ruling, they can be susceptible to scorn, ridicule and persecution should they rule outside local or ideological expectations. If they serve in an elected position, they can be voted out of office and lose income and prestige when ignoring outside influences. It is unfortunate, but often the scales of justice are skewed and unfairly weighted to favor the vocal minority or ideological bent of the judge or Justice.

The newly elected President, along with many in support, have been unfairly targeted in prosecutions. They have been judged in areas where juries of their “piers” do not exist and where judges who rule have been proven to be ideologically aligned with the opposition. Lady Justice has been unblindfolded and the scales she holds have been unequally weighted, and she is merciless when unfairly wielding her sword of judgement. Can any of this injustice be undone? It becomes more difficult when the outgoing occupant of the White House has thrown out “preemptive pardons”, like rice at a wedding, to those who have no convictions. This form of pardon has never been tested in court proceedings, but we anticipate they may eventually make their way to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. They are federal pardons so state prosecutions and even civil prosecutions could be pursued should investigations reveal unlawful actions. There are ramifications for a person receiving a pardon. Even though that person may not have committed any fraudulent action, the stain of potential wrongdoing will hover about them for the duration of their life and beyond. Should they be brought into a court or other official proceeding, they cannot plead the Fifth Amendment, which under normal circumstances would claim that anything they might say could be used in their own prosecution. They will have to tell the truth and be expected to be forthright in their testimony. But do not hold your breath for any revelations of wrongdoing or admissions of guilt. Here is why.

There are many ways an individual can avoid telling the truth and making any kind of revelation that could lead to their prosecution, or to the prosecution of any other. Have you ever heard someone in a court of law or official proceeding, having been sworn in to tell the truth, say “I do not remember”, or “I do not recall”, or “I have no recollection of that”, or even “I have no memory of that”? There are probably many other iterations of these phrases that will be memorized and used. When you hear these phrases made in the coming months, be reminded that these people were in charge of our Nation. Their recollections are like those suffering from dementia. They will plead ignorance in areas in which they alone were accountable. They will be doing this as another way of avoiding accountability or prosecution. And let us not forget that should they be found to testify in courtrooms or other official proceedings where ideological sympathies reside, it is unlikely any justice leading to conviction will be forthcoming.

Do not despair. We do not base our National and individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY upon the outcome of any one person or group of individuals in any court or official proceeding. We base our FREEDOM and LIBERTY upon our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and upon our “unalienable Rights” “endowed” by our “Creator” (reference our Declaration of Independence). Put your trust and hope in Him. Give Him the thanks and praise due Him. “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:10).