Most United States citizens have no idea how many “VISAS” are made available to foreigners by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs. Divided into two basic categories, Nonimmigrant and Immigrant, they are often specific to various countries and occupations. How many in each category you ask? Thirty-four for the former, and Seventeen for the latter, and many of those are divided into further categories, at least Ten of them in total. The current National discussion revolves around the H-1B VISAS under the Nonimmigrant Visa Categories. It specifically is defined for “Specialty occupations in fields requiring highly specialized knowledge” (travel.state.gov.). Here are our concerns over the bloated nature and the potentially fraudulent use of this program which directly impacts the generational citizens of our Nation.
For a moment, let’s look at some figures available on-line. Immigrant Categories increased every year over the last four years and totaled 1,582,019. Nonimmigrant Categories number totaled 24,008,740. These are not all “illegal” immigrants, and these numbers do not include all “illegal” immigrants, those who have escaped being encountered at our borders or who have even gone undetected, having violated our National laws concerning immigration. If these numbers do not raise your eyebrows, consider that during the COVID-19 pandemic, “. . . posts were instructed to suspend routine visa services and provide only mission critical and emergency services in late March 2020.” (travel.state.gov. “Immigrant and nonimmigrant visas issued at Foreign Service Posts: Fiscal Years 2019-2023.”) Where are all these “Posts”? Basically, all over the world at over 270 diplomatic missions. (U.S. Department of State.) Concerning just the H-1B VISAS, this is just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg”. Our immigration system is truly bloated, and highly susceptible to fraudulent interpretation and abuse.
At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, our allegiance is to our Lord first, and then to our Nation’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. When we suspect faults, on either side of the political aisle, we will call it out and tell you why. The newly elected President of the United States recently spoke of his desire to attach a “Green Card” to every foreign college graduate degree, making them legal to stay within our Nation to pursue work and careers. We disagree with this idea, and here are the reasons why. Until our Nation ensures that all of our generational citizens, of all races and creeds, have been given the opportunity to attend and succeed in university studies, we will resist allowing foreigners to unfairly achieve long-term social and economic positions with our Nation. Our Nation’s emphasis needs first to place emphasis on educating our own and elevating them to these positions. Our Nation has done a pathetic job of making this happen. We spend more time elevating our sports heroes and celebrities than we do making sure our children, one of the most valuable assets our Nation possesses, achieve. Shame on us!
Furthermore, for the vast majority, it was not the social elites or aristocrats who fought for and founded our Nation. They were the farmers, fishermen, fledgling shopkeepers, as well as “pipefitters” and “steamfitters” who gave their time, talents, and often times their very lives, and the lives of their prodigy, who did the heavy lifting to make this Nation the jewel of the world. They were the ones who drove westward and innovated within the framework of FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We resent the pathetic financial gestures by large entities and corporations who are now streaming to kiss the ring of the newly elected President, when only a few months earlier, they were the ones fighting against him. Their only goal is to retain their social and economic prowess and preserve for themselves positions of power and wealth.
And let us not forget that many of today’s colleges have been infiltrated with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). Colleges have not necessarily been inundated with the brightest and most qualified students. “Woke” agendas have diminished the quality graduates. Graduating in courses on social engineering, political science, and basket weaving, do little to advance our Nation’s technological and scientific world leadership. We do not demean our Nation’s native populations who developed the science and art of basket weaving, who developed works of art and function without the need for higher education or colleges. We will also hold in high esteem those who work in the trades, having shunned the push for college education, with its exorbitant costs and questionable value.
Our Nation needs immigration reform, especially in our open-door policy for foreign students, who in the past have often come back to lead groups to torment, terrorize and sometimes kill our generational citizens. First, do not let foreign students come, for their arrival only pads the deep pockets of the wealthy institutions. Secondly, if they do come, and if they are already here, send them home to the benefit of their own countries. We will not focus only on foreign students; all forms of VISAS need reform. Caps need to be lowered; qualifications need to rise. The reality is if we need the occasional Einstein or Heisenberg, you can be guaranteed our Nation will accomplish those acquisitions without the need for VISAS. Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not dependent upon foreigners. They are dependent upon generational citizens, those who have a heritage, a lineage, within our Nation’s borders. Those who have integrated fully into our Nation in culture and language, including those who witnessed personally the atrocities of egalitarianism, socialism, communism, and authoritarianism. Do not conform to those who seek only their personal benefit, but support those who fight for the downtrodden, the “deplorables”, the “garbage”, for they are “WE THE PEOPLE”.