NOTICE TO CHRISTIANS: Your Silence Is Consent!

We were actually gob smacked recently when we heard that only about three percent of all church pastors even mentioned from their pulpits the need to vote. That small portion of pastors didn’t talk about who to vote for or why, they only mentioned to the parishioners a general need to vote. We always thought of religious people being pretty conservative in nature, people being against racism, against war, against indiscriminate abortion, and believing in the second great commandment, to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30). First of all, for pastors to not even mention the need to vote, and then for those few that did, to not even be able to differentiate between the good versus evil parties, both are inexcusable. Many Christians have believed the lie that there is a separation between church and state in our Constitution, promulgated through the decades by those atheistic, non-believing personalities and entities. The fact remains that there is NO separation between the church and state. What our Constitution states is that there is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. It’s part of the First Amendment to our Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . . “ Nearly all of our Founding Fathers were believers in God. Why else would General Washington have been allowed to fly AN APEAL TO HEAVEN flags?

For Christians who believe that we are simply a “spiritual” people, not to be concerned with “worldly, governmental things”, maybe you need a little Bible history lesson. Do you believe Jesus was against war, and that we all should be pacifists? Hear what Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-36.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

Yes, it is true that some in the same family will believe, and some will not, and that will divide families and bring strife, and that’s the cost for “taking up your cross and following Jesus”. But it also indicates that one must stand firm in the path of God and defend your stand at all costs. Sometimes the Word of God, the Sword, will cut deeply into human relationships. To share the Gospel message is not done only by your actions, but more importantly by your words, and these things can bring strife, persecution, and division, but to not speak allows Satan to rule in the hearts of others through our inaction and silence.

Do you still believe Jesus was against war? Let’s go further back in history. Remember what John 1:1-3 says. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” What or who was the “Word”? John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Yes, Jesus was the “Word”, and through Him was the Creation. Now consider the historical record told in the Old Testament. Have you ever tried to count the number of wars in which the Hebrews and Jews were involved? Some they won by faith, and some they lost because of their failure to trust in God and humble themselves to His Will. We don’t have time to list the battles, even to count all of them, but suffice it to say there were dozens upon dozens through the recorded centuries. God was always involved, sometimes to give them victory, and sometimes to turn them over to captivity. Sometimes to redeem them, and sometimes to rebuke them. And you know who was there all the time? Jesus. The plan for man’s salvation was always being carried out whether through the conquering of God’s chosen, or through their salvation.

In the United States of America, an interesting creation of a Republic did not put a king in charge, but “WE THE PEOPLE”. WE are the “kings, and WE dictate the direction of our Nation. When WE fail to carry out our duty as “kings”, WE abdicate our “throne” and leave it for others to occupy. Your “religion” is not just for you personally. Your “religion” carries with it an obligation to share the Gospel, and to grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”, just like Jesus did (Luke 2:52). WE should be motivated to not only reach up to God, but also to reach out to man. Our “religion” extends beyond us personally and carries with it an obligation to fight against the powers of darkness, and evil spiritual forces that pervade this world in which we live (Ephesians 6:12). As “kings” in the United States of America, WE dare not be silent, for to do so only gives our consent to the forces against our God and fellow man.

Man and woman were created to tend to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:26-30). WE had a job to do, a responsibility, a task. God did not expect them to sit idly by while His Creation suffered. That was then, as it is now. WE are responsible for God’s “stuff”, the earth, governments (Romans 13:1), the orphans and widows (James 1:27).

Do you care about the unborn being killed? Do you care about your friends and family being killed in foreign wars? Do you care enough for your fellow man when they have financial difficulty gassing their vehicles, buying food and medicine, being able to afford the healthcare they need, and someday achieving the American dream of home ownership? Are you concerned with the nearly half-million illegal alien criminals, convicted murderers and deviants, that the current government administration has allowed to roam freely with the borders of our Nation? Are you concerned with the approximately 320,000 children who are unaccounted for having been smuggled across our Nation’s borders? Do you care that they may be involved in sex-trafficking, slave labor, or even if they are now dead? Do you care about the continuing violence in our streets and cities? Do you care that those who rob and steal often escape accountability? As “kings” in our Nation, do you care enough to even vote, and vote for what is righteous, and just, and true, and moral?

Our current government leadership is encouraging foreign entities like the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum) to push for global dominance, making our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights null and void, taking your FREEDOM and LIBERTY away, making it subject to forces that despise our “kingship” within our great Nation. Do these people really believe that China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran would ever allow their nations to be ruled by these elites? These pompous, overbearing, delusional dictators who believe themselves to be gods, when in fact they are only minions of the Devil, are evil themselves. They are not our superiors, and they have no right to overthrow our UNALIANABLE RIGHTS, not granted by any government or self-imposed authority, but given to each of us by our Creator.

WE call upon all Christian peoples, and all religious peoples, to speak for your God, to act for your God, to vote for your God, for to do so is your right, and privilege, and duty as “kings” in our Republic, The United States of America. Get out of your pews and get on your feet. Your FREEDOM and LIBERTY are dependent upon you. DO NOT BE SILENT AND LET NOT YOU SILENCE GIVE CONSENT.


We all have to admit it. There are things that OFFEND us all, but not all the same things OFFEND us. Some of those things we addressed in our blog two weeks ago on September 8, 2024, titled, “THE SMELL OF PREJUDICE”. Over time, many of us have become accustomed to being OFFENDED, and we have been trained over and over again to just accept being OFFENDED, either because others tell us we deserve it, or maybe because we feel isolated and out of the mainstream and we feel the potential for ostracization. For decades now, the federal government and its multiplicity of three-letter agencies, of which few if any of them can be found in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, have slowly and methodically pealed from us, like layers of an onion, our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Some make sense however as a function of the world in which we live today. Wear your seat belt, bicycle and motorcycle helmet, and take off your shoes when walking through screening devices at the airport. But many things that OFFEND us have little to do with our personal safety and health, and more to do with competing ideologies. Even so, we have been under constant pressure to not question those who are “in charge”, believing them to be purveyors of our best interests. We have become like goldfish in a small fishbowl totally dependent upon our daily sustenance from the feeding hand above. Many of us have found our lives to be somewhat comfortable allowing others to provide for our care, and with the potential loss of that care, we easily fold and willingly submit to whatever we are told to do. Get this injection or else! You have to wear a mask, and if you do not, you cannot go in or participate! Don’t you dare criticize your “betters”, because if you do, you might get a visit from the authorities, and even worse, you might be tried in a prejudicial court of law, convicted and sent to prison!

Well, at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we are not goldfish, and we treasure our God given rights to FREEDOM and LIBERTY! We have been blogging now for several years bringing to your attention facts and documents supporting our selected topics. We do not fear the long arm of government, or elite industry censorship, or concern ourselves with potential ramifications. We know where we are headed after this life and feel secure in our beliefs to always do what is right, and fair, and just, and moral. To do otherwise is to diminish our faith and kowtow to moral-less, overbearing and controlling government, institutions, personalities, and ideologies. We have a right, and in fact a duty, to feel OFFENDED, and to not express our dismay and provide alternatives would be counter to our purposes in our many blogs through the years. With all of that in mind, we want to share with you many of the things that OFFEND us.

We are OFFENDED at “participation trophies”. We are OFFENDED that gay drag queens are in our schools and libraries, for they once were, and still belong, in over 21 clubs and venues. We are OFFENDED being told we are deplorable, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and sexist. We are OFFENDED when we cannot speak our minds when “offending” someone else’s sensibility, for that’s the hallmark of our First Amendment to our United States Constitution. We are OFFENDED when the main-street media “memory holes” the assassination attempts on our former President. We are OFFENDED when thugs ransack businesses with no arrests or accountability. We are OFFENDED when religious people are surveilled and persecuted by government agencies for simply praying and trying to live a holy life. We are OFFENDED when our government continually spends more money than it takes in. We are OFFENDED by the countless number of politicians that move into lobbyist positions following their incubation period in Congress. We are OFFENDED when our government spends more time making weapons and less time making peace. We are OFFENDED that our Nation’s history is being re-written, and that books, statues, celebrations, and holidays are being supplanted and forgotten. We are OFFENDED that big government and big business is sucking the life out of personal ingenuity, incentive, small business, and commerce. We are OFFENDED that illegal aliens receive more support through housing, healthcare, transportation, money cards, schooling and jobs, than do our veterans and homeless citizens. We are OFFENDED that our FREEDOM to speak has become a threat and is often identified as mis, mal, or dis information. We are OFFENDED that our government and big business has allowed our manufacturing base to be given and sent away to foreign entities and governments. We are OFFENDED that our government leaders have allowed our citizens to become dependent upon foreign sources for our drugs and their materials. We are OFFENDED that the current government pushes and subsidizes wind and solar energy sources, that are totally dependent upon weather and earth rotation cycles and have depleted our base-load energy world dominance and have left our businesses and citizens crippled with exploding energy, transportation, and food costs. We are OFFENDED that many have forgotten 9-11. We are OFFENDED that our current government leaders and Congress seem willing to give up our Nation’s independence to the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), entities that only wish to see the demise of our Nation as we will be burdened with the plan for subsidizing the costs for “developing” nations. We are OFFENDED at the lack of Democratic concern for non-citizens voting in our elections, and their unwillingness to ensure only legal, verifiable votes are cast on time. We are OFFENDED at the current government’s push to diminish our Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, the ONLY thing that keeps our current government from becoming another dictatorial British Crown. We are OFFENDED that “famous” people feel a need to influence their followers to vote a certain way, all the while alienating half of their following. We are OFFENDED that abortion rights continually are thrown into election debates as a primary concern when the question of abortion only impacts an extremely small fraction of our society. We are OFFENDED that parents are being excluded more and more from decisions made about their own children in the education and healthcare arenas. We are OFFENDED that our current government continues to allow foreign investors to own and control many of our manufacturing, food processing, and healthcare functions and facilities.

We suppose if we were to take several hours to review all those things that OFFEND us, we would find the list above to be only the tip of the proverbial ice burg. Our response to all of those things that OFFEND us is to not look like the baby in the picture at the beginning of our blog. Stand up, suck in your lower lip, and put some words and actions to your being OFFENDED. Our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are dependent upon you, not just your words but also your actions. Speak as though your FREEDOM and LIBERTY depends upon it . . . because it does. Act as though your FREEDOM and LIBERTY depends upon it . . . because it does. Vote for a change at all levels in our next election, for if the status quo is maintained, our Republic will be lost and will join the list of failed nations in the dustbin of history.


The above is just one sample of a Voter Registration Card. We want to call attention to the upper right-hand corner of the document. “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” What defines a “citizen” of the United States of America? When filling out this card, you have two choices of answers to this question, “yes” or “no”. What would happen if an illegal alien, or “undocumented immigrant”, answered this question by marking “yes”. Our answer to this question is, “NOTHING!” Nothing is likely to happen to this individual, at least without an investigation. Why would we say this, after all, isn’t it against the law for a “non-citizen” to vote in our elections? Well, that is the question we want to address in our blog today.

What makes a person a “citizen”? If you attend any gathering, and are in the audience, are you not a member of that audience? If you are a student in a classroom, even if you enter the classroom by mistake, are you not considered a person in that classroom? If you visit a new church on Sunday, would you not be considered an attendee of that church service? Is a person who holds a “Green Card” a citizen? Are those who are allowed to stay within our Nation’s borders pending asylum review, are they considered to be citizens? How about those illegal aliens who receive from our government, or any NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), a phone, cash cards, transportation, housing, healthcare and schooling, do they consider themselves to be citizens? What about those who are granted “Temporary Protected Status”, do they consider themselves to be citizens? We are not building a case for excusing those who illegally enter our country and who may end up voting, but what we do want to do is to shed some light on the confusion that may exist in the minds of those who come to our Nation without first making the appropriate application for legal citizenship. If one of those individuals is now present within our Nation, might they consider themself to be a part of this country since they are in it? Usually, they cannot speak our language, and undoubtedly know little of our culture and less of our laws. They become nearly totally dependent upon others to assist them in their integration processes. Herein lies part of the problem. Many who provide “assistance” have an ideology and purpose contrary to our Nation’s laws. Often there is an ulterior motive to those who claim to help. When you sign a document, or click on the “I accept these terms” when agreeing to any streaming or app service, or just about any contract, do you always read the fine print? We wonder if the fine print under the signature line on the card above is pointed out to the illegal alien when being prompted to sign the card by an unscrupulous agent of any NGO or current government agency. We suspect that fewer illegal aliens might agree to sign these forms if they knew the penalty for false statements could cost them up to $125,000 and 5 years in jail. Of course, that assumes that some unidentified person or organization uses an unestablished method of determining citizenship and would spend the time and effort to challenge a single individual in an expensive court process. For those who assist aliens to fill out forms, do they ever inform them of the consequences for documenting false information? We have stated in a previous blog that having an illegal alien vote may be the end of the process for the attempt to flood the voter rolls with Democrat voters, but this is preceded by other less noticed influences that have a direct impact upon the governing of our Nation. Specifically, some areas in our Nation allow non-citizens to vote in local elections on local issues. Also, our Nation’s Census, taken every 10 years, asks for ALL people to be counted within an area, not just legal citizens. For further understanding, refer to our blog on March 10, 2024, titled, “THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE”. Our Nation’s House of Representatives is formed from Census results, including ALL people, not just legal citizens. National laws can be passed or defeated by the improper weighting of the number of state’s Representative’s by counting non-citizens, thus allowing illegal aliens to determine our own laws. Democrats have continually thwarted efforts to put a citizenship question on the Census. Why? If they didn’t believe fraud existed in our electoral processes, then why do they fight so hard to prevent election reviews or recounts? If they knew or believed our elections were above-board, transparent and free of any form of fraud, they would gladly welcome and assist in any investigation or review of any election, to shut up the neigh sayers. Why do they resist any investigations into potential election fraud. We feel the answer is obvious. They will do whatever it takes, allow whatever fraud may be present, to help them to achieve their desired outcomes. It is truly strange that ID must be shown to get on a commercial airplane, or even into the Democratic National Convention, but when it comes to exercising our most sacred duty as a legal United States citizen, proof of citizenship is not required to vote.

For a moment, consider the individual who may unknowingly vote in any of our Nation’s elections. Whose job is it to ensure that the voting individual is actually a citizen? Assuming you can find that person or institution, how is that done? We have ways of knowing when a person from one voting area moves to another voting area. We have ways of knowing who may pass from this life and is no longer alive to vote. We have ways of knowing who may be incarcerated and who may be prevented from voting. We also have ways of determining if a person who signs a mail-in ballot is actually the person who received that ballot. But how do we know if the person is actually a citizen? Right now, our Nation is unable to definitively determine citizenship, not only on Census forms, but also on voter registration cards. Proof of citizenship is not required. It is dependent totally upon an “honorary system” where we expect all individuals filling out a voter registration card to be truthful and honest. People who cross our borders illegally, and have already violated our laws, cannot be assumed to be honest and truthful on any of the forms they may fill out.

Under current “motor-voter” laws, those who are in our country illegally can obtain an ID (identification) card giving them the authority to drive. This ID is also what can be used to complete a voter registration card. This process is totally acceptable for those current legal citizens who do not or cannot drive. What is crazy is that hardly any identification is required to fill out a voter registration card. A Social Security Card number is not required. Note the card above. “A paycheck stub, a utility bill, a bank statement, a government document” are all acceptable forms of ID. Understand that in the state of Oregon, landlords are allowed to rent to illegal aliens. Once they are in a property and receiving utility bills, that is the only proof they need to register to vote.

Until our Representatives and Senators in Congress put on their “big boy pants” and do the right thing and make our Census for legal United States citizens only, and require PROPER ID to vote, our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY are in deep jeopardy. Only a change in the power levers of our Nation will bring about the needed change to secure our governing and electoral processes. This coming November, vote for change at all levels in our upcoming election. If our Executive and Legislative branches are not secured in this next election, be forewarned that the greatest ever experiment in self-government, The United States of America and her Constitution and Bill of Rights, will fail. If this happens, you and yours will have to learn how to live with less, own less, travel less, earn less, speak less, work more and die earlier.


Have you ever heard this little ditty? “Beans, Beans, the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel. So eat those beans with every meal.” Granted, not a very high-brow approach to today’s blog topic, but it does draw attention to the power of one of our five senses. So does the short little video clip above. SMELL is a very pervasive sense. We are not like sharks that can smell a drop of blood up to a quarter of a mile away (, or like a dog that can sniff out drugs, an on-coming seizer, or even a cancerous tumor, but nevertheless most humans can smell many types of odors. Sometimes smells are pleasant, and sometimes they are not.

We often use the analogy of smell to make a point, like “I smell a rat”, or “That smells fishy.” Do we actually SMELL the rat, or fish? No, it’s just a saying drawing attention to the fact that in our opinion something just doesn’t seem right. Over the last few years, as a society, we have been trained to avoid wearing perfumes or colognes in public, as they could possibly trigger an allergic response in a few others nearby. Some who eschew avoiding other’s discomfort, have been known to engage in what has been called “crop-dusting”, where the perpetrator expels “gas” in a store aisle as other unsuspecting shoppers cruise on through the SMELL. Cheap thrills at another’s expense. Regardless of your concern or disregard for another, some SMELLS are uniformly agreed to as disgusting. Most “poops” are foul smelling, whether coming from humans or animals. One flower, the “Corpse Flower”, that blooms once every seven to nine years, “reeks of rotting flesh and death”. ( Many will flock to see and smell it because of its uniqueness. Most rotting food is abhorrent to all. It’s God’s way of telling us it’s probably not safe to eat. An odiferous warning.

We mention all of this to set the foundation for our blog topic today. It is obvious that some SMELLS are disgusting and are worthy of our efforts to avoid. However, some SMELLS have been so pervasive that over time, we have become accustomed to them. A smoker’s house will be permeated with the smell of smoke, in the walls, ceilings and flooring. Over time, it will become imperceptible to the smoker in the house. But for the non-smoker who enters the house, the SMELL will be obvious. For those who work in fragrant shops, it is likely that over time, they too will no longer notice the SMELL. Just like one, who through routine, has become accustomed to simple tasks of life and no longer needs conscious thought for its task completion, so too do humans, and more specifically our Nation’s citizens, become accustomed to pervasive influences.

Unfortunately, our great Nation has been subjected to an onslaught of the SMELL of prejudicial influences over the last several decades. Our Nation fought a Civil War to end slavery, fought and won the women’s suffrage movement, among many other less noticeable battles, but the seeds, the SMELL, of resentment, restitution, and retribution endure today. Many in charge of our institutions of learning and in current positions of governmental power have stoked these simmering seeds of discontent, some for political, financial, ideological and/or egotistical reasons. More tragically, some even seek to supplant our Nation’s Constitution believing it to be a deterrent to democracy. Through these last few decades many of our citizens have gotten used to the SMELL OF PREJUDICE. The SMELL has permeated our society. Many don’t know where the SMELL came from, or even if it still exists.

We are all AMERICANS! We have all been entrusted with the care of this great Nation, one that provides FREEDOM and LIBERTY to all. Why would any of us desire to live with the SMELL of yesterday. As legitimate Americans, we have more in common than what separates us. Sometimes we are more critical of family and friends that are closest to us, yet we will smile and say “Hi” to a complete stranger on the street. As a Nation we overcame the “Great Depression” (1929-1939), and the terrible “Dust Bowl” (1930-1936). We unified as a Nation after our Nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. We did the same after the attack on our Nation in New York on September 11, 2001. In 1969 our Nation landed two Americans on the moon. Our Nation brought the USSR to its financial knees throughout the 1970s and 1980s, finally watching its collapse in 1991. These are just a few of our Nation’s historical events that have unified us as Americans, yet some still SMELL PREJUDICE, even long after its demise. For those that have lived too long in the SMELL of prejudice produced by self-serving elites and institutions, they can no longer recognize that the SMELL of prejudice that pervades them is an aberration. They have been deluded to think that it continues to exist. FREEDOM and LIBERTY need to be brought to those who remain trapped in the SMELL OF PREJUDICE. Your vote for a change in our National leadership is one of the first steps you can take to do your part.

There is a stench in our Nation, the SMELL OF PREJUDICE. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14; NIV.)


Is this a “Platitude”?

A “PLATITUDE” is a very funny creature. It sounds like a very normal animal, but up close and personal, there is more to behold. If you simply just glance at it, you may miss some of its unusual aspects. What is its purpose? Are there secrets about its presence that need to be exposed? Can it be dangerous if not revealed for what it is? These are all legitimate things that must be dealt with when confronting any “PLATITUDE”.

So, we again ask the question found under the short video clip above. Is what is depicted a “PLATITUDE”? What is shown above may “sound” like a “PLATITUDE”, and everything we mentioned in the paragraph above certainly applies, but that creature is NOT a “PLATITUDE”. The video clip above depicts a PLATYPUS, not a “PLATITUDE”. We had better define both so that there will be no confusion, and so that we can fully explain why we have titled our blog, “PLATITUDES”.

PLATYPUS: “The platypus . . . is one of the most unusual creatures in the animal kingdom. The platypus has a paddle-shaped tail, like a beaver; a sleek fury body like an otter; and a flat bill and webbed feet, like a duck.” “Males have a spur, connected to a venom-secreting gland, on each hind foot.” “The venom is not life-threatening to humans, but it can cause severe swelling and excruciating pain.” Adults range from 14.5 to 24.8 inches in length and can weigh from 1.3 to 6.6 pounds. “Platypuses live in Australia”. “They can stay underwater for only 30 to 140 seconds . . .” “Platypuses are carnivorous.” Females lay eggs which hatch after about 10 days and the offspring are bean sized. (

“PLATITUDES”: “a remark or statement that may be true but is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before.” ( “1. A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant. 2. Lack of originality; triteness. 3. The quality or state of being flat, thin, or insipid; flat commonness; triteness; staleness of ideas of language.” (

As legal voters in our Nation, we take great offence at those who claim broad and bold statements during campaigns without providing details which could make the claim become reality. For example, “MAGA” means nothing in and of itself without laying out the processes, methods, plans or procedures to be used to achieve the Greatness espoused. Likewise, “Saving Our Democracy”, also means nothing without first laying out what is failing in our Democracy and then producing the processes, methods, plans or procedures to be used to achieve the Salvation desired. Standing at a podium in front of thousands of cheering sycophants, fawning parasites, and saying things like, “I’m going to lower your food prices and rents”, or “I will lower your taxes”, and then not provide the pathways forward to achieve either statement, is an empty promise, voiding the speaker’s pronouncements. Unfortunately, many cheering fans love the goal without knowing the plan.

It’s too easy for a candidate, for any office, to make a grand promise in order to sway voters to win the election. We remember years ago a radio talk show host talked about a personal experience, the subject matter now or the point he was trying to make currently illudes us, but his story helps to lend credence to our blog today. He stated he was a student running for an elementary or high school office against a girl who promised everyone a trip to Disneyland if she was voted into the office. Well, she won the election, but do you think everyone enjoyed their trip to Disneyland. Nope. They got no trip to Disneyland for their votes. It’s too easy to make promises. It’s harder to fulfill commitments. “PLATITUDES” are nothing without nuance. You need the roadmap, the way forward, the details, the refinement, and without any supporting information, you might as well just believe you’ll be getting a free trip to Disneyland. And that ain’t going to happen.

To bring “PLATITUDES” into reality, the candidate must back it up with substance, laying out the problem, then showing the plans forward to solve the problem. For example, knowing that illegal aliens are flowing nearly unimpeded across our Nation’s southern border and bringing deadly opioids and sex trafficking with them, by simply saying, “I will solve that problem” means absolutely nothing. Declaring your plan to solve that problem by building a wall, increasing border security and staffing, and arresting and expelling border and law violators, and drug and sex smugglers, adds the substance to the “PLATITUDE” making it worthy of consideration.

Our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation are at stake. We can no longer allow our politicians and candidates to throw baseless “PLATITUTES” at us willy-nilly. Citizens of our Nation deserve facts and legitimate policies and procedures to solve our problems. Hold these people accountable to their “PLATITUDES”. If you do not, and if they fail to produce, then they are nothing more than a silly looking mammal with a beaver’s tail, an otter’s furry body, a duck’s bill and feet, and has a potential sting that can cause us extreme pain. To liken some candidates to the creature we showed at the beginning of this blog is a dis-service and demeaning to the very special PLATYPUS.