The above short video clip is taken from the 2008 cult classic movie called, “REPO THE GENETIC OPERA”. “By the year 2056, an epidemic of organ failures has devastated the planet and wiped out 99% of the human population. The megacorporation GeneCo provides organs on a payment plan. Clients who miss payments are hunted down by Repo Men, skilled assassins who ‘repossess’ the organs.” (Wikipedia.) While we could take this short blog a number of different directions, including the devastating long-term impacts of the COVID-19 injections, and the endless push from global elites like Bill Gates, to reduce the earth’s population, we will instead focus on another gruesome effect of the emerging “REPO MEN”.

Let’s set the stage for our different “REPO MEN” opera by presenting a scenario to you and asking what your responses might be. Assume that you have made a rather large deposit into a well-established bank. Your money is there for your use as you deem appropriate, and whether or not it gains interest for you is of no importance to this scenario. Now, suppose the bank all of a sudden chooses to steal your money and use it for their own purposes, because they don’t like how you look, or the clothes you wear, or the church you attend, or maybe even the politics you profess. Would you want to deposit more of your money into this bank? Suppose others familiar with this bank found out what the bank had done in stealing your money. Do you think any other potential depositors would dare take the risk to deposit any of their money into this bank? Do you suppose it would be likely that others with deposits in this bank might suddenly choose to withdraw their funds from this bank and deposit them elsewhere? Finally, what do you think the end result would be of the financial solvency of this bank? We believe your answers to the questions we’ve asked about the bank stealing your money would be quite evident. These really are rhetorical questions, as the answers are “no-brainers”.

Were any of you aware of the details of the aid package passed recently by Congress and signed into law by the current occupant of the White House? “The big U.S. aid package for Ukraine and other allies that [the current occupant of the White House] signed Wednesday also allows the administration to seize Russian state assets located in the U.S. and use them for the benefit of Kyiv.” ( Surprise! Our own government is becoming that “bank” we alluded to in our imaginary scenario presented before. The “REPO MEN” are hard at work.

We live in a world economy whether you like it or not. Very few things are totally made anymore in our Nation. Often times, what may even be “made” here is often simply assembled from materials manufactured and shipped in from abroad. Other nations from around the world invest in the U.S., in our institutions, factories, processing plants, and yes, even in our financial markets. Our Nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is dependent upon these foreign sources for the materials and goods consumed within our Nation. Since most of our Nation’s citizens have had little extra cash on hand to buy what is wanted or even needed, our GDP slumped to a skimpy 1.6% in the first quarter of 2024.

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we believe we are in a form of “Stagflation”. We addressed the foundations of this phenomena in several previous blogs. Three of them included, “IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!” (September 25, 2022), “GOOD NEWS! The Rate of Inflation is Pruned” (October 23, 2022, which we affectionately referred to as our Rest In Peace blog), and “THE GREAT CREDIT CRUNCH” (October 1, 2023). We would also note that many of our other blogs contained snippets of information about “Stagflation”, which is defined as “Sluggish economic growth coupled with a high rate of inflation and unemployment.” (Wordnik.)

But you say, “We have a very low employment rate”. What one needs to realize is that many illegal aliens are taking “lowered” (yes, and we mean to say “lowered”) paying jobs. “‘One of the most crucial forces driving the nation’s job growth and economic vitality over the last year has been immigration’, said Rebecca Dixon, president and CEO of the National Employment Law Project (NELP). ‘Yet immigrant workers are also at the center of a growing crisis of workplace abuse, with undocumented (read that as “illegal aliens”) and temporary visa migrant workers among the most vulnerable to abuses including wage theft, health and safety risks, child labor violations, and retaliation from employers’.” (; March 8, 2024.) Many U.S. citizens have given up looking for work and are no longer included in the jobs numbers. Many working citizens have more than one job, just to make ends meet. Low employment numbers given by our current administration need to be viewed with a suspicious eye.

Do you wonder what the two trillion dollars over what our government takes in each year goes to? “In 2023, the U.S. job market experienced a trend where nearly 25% of all job gains were attributed to government positions, underscoring a significant reliance on public sector employment to sustain economic growth.” (; February 28, 2024; Caleb Naysmith.) Your tax dollars, and increasing National debt, is being spent in large part to increase the size, scope, and power of our ever-bloating National government. Have any of the rumored 87,000 new IRS agents contacted you yet? Historical facts in the last couple of years have shown continuing higher rates of inflation beyond the government’s target of 2% per year. At last report, it was at 3.5%. Prices of food, housing and energy are not coming down, but are being added on to each and every month. Fewer people are buying stuff, because they don’t have the money to cover the rising prices, so our economy is becoming stagnant. We have stagnation in our Nation’s economic growth, and we have rising inflation making goods and services more expensive. Add the two together and we have “STAGFLATION”. The “REPO MEN” are at work by taking back more of your hard-earned money, as your dollar shrinks and as our economy slows.

What could be worse than “STAGFLATION”? Try adding to it a Nation that no other nation in the world wants to conduct commerce with for fear of that nation, our U.S., “nationalizing” another nation’s assets. Other nations will find other ways to safely conduct their commerce, using currency other than our dollar. The result being that the U.S. dollar will no longer be the World’s Reserve Currency, the only true remaining benefit our Nation currently enjoys. Losing the dollar’s status “. . . would likely mean less access to capital, higher borrowing costs and lower stock market values, among other effects. Having the world’s reserve currency has allowed the U.S. to run large deficits in terms of both international trade and government spending. If foreigners no longer want to hold dollars for savings, it would force significant belt-tightening at home.” (; February 7, 2024; Ian Bezek.) Look out! Here comes cryptocurrency, and the potential governmental control over your banking and how you may or may not be able to use your own money. We’ve already addressed this in our blog on October 8, 2023, titled, “THE GREAT BANKING SCHEME”. The “REPO MEN” will not only take from other nations, but you as a citizen of this great Nation are at risk as well.

The “REPO MEN” in our current government are out to take from us our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, granted to us not by our current government, but by our Creator, and they are simply reflected in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The “REPO MEN” take from us our hard-earned wages to spend willy-nilly on pet projects and in the institution of ludicrous schemes, while giving little to no thought as to the impact on the well-being of our Nation’s citizens and the world at large. The “REPO MEN” will remove from us our rights and abilities to “. . . peaceably . . . assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”, guaranteed by Amendment 1 to our Constitution. The “REPO MEN” will squeeze us for more and more as we have less and less and they will eventually try to come take back from us our dignity, individuality, motivation, and respect, all those “organs” within us that make us who we really are, children of God. We must displace the “REPO MEN” by voting for a change. Do so for your own survival, but also for those who will follow you in this life. Only then, will those who have been laid to rest in years gone by, in battles fought for our Nation, welcome us as true patriots and fellow warriors who have and will sustain this great Nation in which we have been so richly blessed to reside.


This is one reason why women live longer than men.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” is a phrase closely associated with P.T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century, although there is no evidence that he actually said it” (Wikipedia). We are going to write briefly about SUCKERS, but in a way not directly expressed either by the short video clip above or by the phrase just mentioned. We want to discuss those types of suckers that grow at the base of many fruit, nut, and other types of trees. They also frequently sprout from surface roots surrounding trees. We don’t know about you, but we find them very annoying. We are not going to give any kind of horticulture advice, because that is not our training, but we do want to draw an analogy between SUCKERS and our current political government.

There is nothing good about allowing SUCKERS to thrive on a tree. SUCKERS can form for several reasons. Sometimes SUCKERS form as a result of a sick tree, maybe infected with disease or an infestation of unwanted organisms. Whatever the cause, SUCKERS draw away moisture designed for the tree and take away strength for more normal growth and health of the tree. SUCKERS normally grow near or at the base of a tree or can form on the tree trunk. It is not uncommon that SUCKERS can also sprout from surface roots some distance from the tree trunk. Wherever SUCKERS form, they all have the same negative effect on the health of the tree, and in fact if not removed, can eventually cause the death of the tree.

Now to draw the analogy with our current government. Inattention of our general populace has allowed infestations of disease and organisms to infect our National government “tree”. Our National “tree” has been infected with foreign money, personal ideologies that are rewarded with power and prestige, and with big corporate greed and influence. There are even “organisms” that have snuck their way into the very bark of our National “tree” operations. Their influence has brought in anti-nationalistic themes including Islamic and Communistic ideas counter to the themes of our Judeo-Christian heritage formed by our Founding Fathers. Without much notice from inattentive citizens, we have found over time that our National “tree” is sick. Toxic liberalism and racism have taken residence in our National “tree”. We have failed to practice routine maintenance required to maintain a healthy National “tree”. SUCKERS have formed when we weren’t looking, and most of us assumed someone else, usually our elected and appointed local and National Representatives, would tend to the duties of care needed by our National “tree”. We were wrong to expect those we put in charge to carry out the needed maintenance without our constant observation and communication. For the most part, they have failed, and so have we. Most of our National citizens became disengaged from politics and the need for personal involvement. Many even failed to vote, being too busy with Facebook, TikTok, other social media points of contact, or being fascinated with our smart phones, and the multiplicity of apps and games that have consumed our hours, our lives, turning us into hypnotized drones.

Maybe, just maybe, many of us have in fact become SUCKERS. We have allowed our Nation to become sick with multiple infestations and dangerous organisms. Maybe a few of us have even aided in the infection of our once great Nation. But it is never too late to change course. We, ourselves, may never see the direction of our Nation reversed, once again becoming the Nation our Founding Fathers desired. It may take more than a generation or two to undo the damage that has infected our National “tree”. But our FREEDOM and LIBERTY are stake, and it will require action from all who are patriots believing in the founding principles described in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to speak boldly, act proudly, defend against persecutions, support the defenseless, and uphold truth, morality, and justice. Pick up your sheers and start trimming down those SUCKERS that continually drain needed nutrients and energy from our National “tree”. Apply the needed salve to heal our National infections and begin to root out those organisms that have burrowed deeply into the bark of our National “tree”. This is not a job just for our elected or appointed Representatives. It is a job for you as well.


We are going to revisit a topic we covered quite extensively in our series of 10 blogs on TRANSPHOBIA, April 3 to June 5, 2022. It is fairly obvious by listening to talk radio, watching TV, or monitoring much of social media, via whatever method you many choose, that there is an attempt in our Nation to demonize those caught in the throes of gender identities. What we will discuss will seem to be somewhat countercultural but hear us out. Quite frankly we are appalled at the rush to declare those targeted as sick, evil, or perverted. Most focus in at how God created man and woman. We have no quarrel with the God’s perfect intention for the world He created for us to live in. What belies belief is how we have so quickly forgotten that this world is not “The Garden of Eden”. The sins of God’s created human beings have left us in a world sick with sin and its consequences. To the woman, God said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children; Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16.) To the man, God said, “Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:17-19.) If you doubt any that this is true, ask any woman who has given birth how comfortable was the delivery of a child. If you believe the earth has been healed from this curse, you will have to reconcile why weeds and thistles continue to grow where you do not want them. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:22, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” We know the “WHY” birthing is painful, and “WHY” weeds grow, but what about other issues that face our world today?

Mankind has continued to muck things up. Ever since the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, man has defied God’s plan for His creation. We were told to go forth into all the world and procreate (Genesis 1:28), but instead early man stopped along the way and built big cities and became evil. God regretted the day He made man, so the Great Flood wiped out all but Noah and his family, and possibly the Garden of Eden in the process, but no one knows for sure. The same command to go forth and procreate was again given (Genesis 9:1) but the fall of man continued leading eventually to redemption through belief in the Christ. That is basically the story of the Old Testament Bible in a nutshell.

But mankind has continued to muck things up. We believe ourselves to be a creative people, making all sorts of plans and manipulating the creation with our ill-proposed ideas and schemes. We invent, produce, and implement things with haste, often failing to consider consequences. When things we don’t understand appear, we are quick to blame the individual without asking the “WHY”. With some things bigger than ourselves we have used scientific methods to answer the question, “WHY”. Why is the sky blue (Rayleigh scattering), or why are rainbows colored (reflection, refraction, and dispersion of water droplets). How to seeds grow into plants with roots down and leaves up (geotropism and phototropism). We could mention a thousand or more examples, but you get the point. When we as a people are curious about the “WHY”, we seek to engage our brains and find answers. But we don’t always do this. Sometimes it’s simply easier to shift our brains into idle and go along with the noisy crowd and make unknowledgeable condemnations.

Concerning trans-athletes, we hold firm to the belief that gender transition following puberty should disqualify from participation in gender sports opposite to one’s birth sex. Puberty triggers hormone infusions that cannot be undone. Hormone infusions after puberty cannot undo what puberty has already applied. To ignore this fact is to allow potential competitive advantage or disadvantage. Boys, if you have lower external genitalia, you’ve got no business in a girl’s locker room, and if ‘you’re found there, you should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for a sex crime! Those who claim transgenderism need to understand that their choice in life has consequences that are no different than a person born with dwarfism understands they would never be able to play in the NBA. We often have made choices or endured situations that prevent the actualization of desires. We must learn to accept and endure, as one would have to do in being confined to a wheelchair or becoming blind. We must learn to live the life we have been given or have chosen.

Since the publishing of our series of blog posts mentioned above, additional information has surface on potential causes of transgenderism. Until we as a people begin to answer the question “WHY”, we will do disservice to those who claim to be trans. First, we want to refute the belief that transgenderism is a precursor in some way, shape, or form, to transhumanism. Those who are trans have no desire to become the first step to man-machine interface, at least to no greater percent than any other demographic group. Starting a word with “trans” is no more of a step to transhumanism as is the word “trans-Atlantic”, or power pole “transformers”. Your bank “transaction” has nothing to do with transhumanism, and neither did your old “transistor” radio. And we want to set the record straight. Transwomen are NOT drag queens! Drag Queens are mostly gay men who only occasionally dress up in women’s attire for entertainment or self-promotional purposes.

Next, let’s talk about the environment in which we live. We mentioned some of this in our previous blogs, but we can now add substantially to it. WE LIVE IN A CHEMICAL AND ELECTRONIC SOUP! Where do you think those soundwaves and electronic signals go? Just to your radio or cellphone? No, they are everywhere all the time, you just can’t see them. There have been questions about sleeping under an electric blanket or holding the cell phone too close to your head and name a dozen more concerns that literally hang in the air with no definitive answers. There is much we don’t know, mostly because manufactures don’t want anyone to look under their rugs for crap. Just ask the tobacco industry when they learned that nicotine was a carcinogen. How many people paid the price of an early painful death because of hidden facts? Turn any TV on and you will see ads talking about the harmful effects of certain chemicals. Man created years ago a wonderful produce call Asbestos. Now we are dealing with Mesothelioma. If you spent time at Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps Base, you may have cancer because of fuel leaks that contaminated the water supply there. The weed killer Roundup manufactured by Monsanto contains glyphosate, a possible carcinogen, and can give exposed individuals Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or other cancers. How about a recent article in People magazine (April 15, 2024) that talks about long-term health concerns over nano plastics found in bottled water. And long before any of these, consider the impacts of radiation poisoning because of wonderful nuclear atom bombs. What about the effects of DDT, DDE, and dioxins, all of them being estrogenic chemicals. In our previous blog series, we had already discussed the effects of DES (Diethylstilbestrol), developed in 1938, a synthetic hormone given to millions of women between 1945 and 1970 in vitamins (reference our blog on May 29, 2022). It was even in animal feed, and its effects are being felt generations later. How about all those vitamins and drugs in our marketplace? For the vast majority, we have no idea how they interact when taken together. Some of the warnings for new medicines advertised on TV have warnings in fine print at the bottom of the screen that are as long as a two-mile freight train, and some say, “could cause death”. Well, kill me now! We hear you yelling, “STOP!”, because you get the point. In how much of any of this do you find personal immunity? But there is one more we want to share that also specifically addresses the trans issue.

The following paragraphs, some of it in quotes, comes from a report broadcast on the show “Full Measure”, with Sharly Attkisson, on January 13, 2024. The topic was “Scientific Research Links Water Contamination to Sex Changes in Animals.” Part of the broadcast centered around a product called “ATRAZINE”, a St. Augustine Weed Killer, used on crops and often found in drinking water. “We showed that Atrazine de-masculinized animals as well as feminized animals.” “Genetic males actually transformed into females.” “We begin today with the disturbing scientific saga that demonstrates how far some will go to control what version of science gets told and how that can factor into emerging trends in human sexuality,” 25 years ago, a researcher stumbled across an important piece of the puzzle, but powerful forces have worked to silence and smear him, making it harder to get at the facts all these years later when they could matter the most. Tyrone Hays, at the University of California, Berkley lab, is a Professor of Integrated Biology (a Developmental Endocrinologist). His interest is the role of hormones regulating development. He worked for Novartis, a chemical giant, in 1998. He was contracted to see if Atrazine, an herbicide, somehow interfered with hormonal regulation of development. Atrazine is used on corn crops, sugar cane, pineapples, sorghum, macadamia nuts, and evergreen tree farms. Atrazine is one of the most common contaminates in America’s drinking water. At the time, it was Novartis’s #1 selling agrichemical product. He found that when the chemical was found in genetic male frogs, instead of developing testis, that aspect was inhibited, and often times frogs developed ovaries and transformed into females. A certain type of larynx, or voice box, for attracting females was also inhibited.

He was prevented by his contract from publishing his work. He became uncomfortable with some of the things the company was asking him to do, interpretations and manipulations of the data. He repeated the work without their funding to have freedom to publish and discuss his work outside his lab and university. He found similar findings in species other than frogs. Some developed hermaphroditism, developing both male testis and female ovaries, when exposed to values far below what the EPA said was safe for people to drink. He soon began to feel like he was Novartis’s public enemy #1. Later, Novartis spun off its agrichemical business, and Atrazine, to China owned Syngenta. Syngenta published ways to discredit Hays, including investigating his wife, and manipulating social media search engines. Hays said his life was a living hell. They had plans to harass and pursue his students and family.

The EPA decided to “kick the can down the road” for 20 years, as the company raked in billions. In 2020 the EPA made its decision. “Atrazine is likely to effect 54% of all species, and 42% of all critical habitats.” The same year, EPA re-registered Atrazine for use. Hays published one paper, with 22 co-authors from 12 countries, that Atrazine was a reproductive toxin to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and rodents. Other studies have seen correlation with human cell lines with adverse effects, including breast and prostate cancer, low sperm count, and a variety of different birth defects. “WHY” have we not learned of this sooner? Because big lobby and industry have a big influence over decisions like the ones the EPA has to make.

Today, the CDC says Atrazine can alter “the way that the reproductive system works”, may “increase . . . the risk of pre-term delivery”, may be linked to “some types of cancer”, “cause liver, kidney, and heart damage in animals” and “could cause these effects in humans”. When pregnant women are exposed to Atrazine in drinking water, it’s “associated with low fetal weight and heart, urinary, and limb defects”. High levels in pregnant animals caused “reduced survival of fetuses”. Hays says, “The sex and gender identity and sexual orientation and preference are in part controlled by hormonal influences early in development in the womb. We know this for example that your relative exposure to androgens and estrogens and other steroids may shape the brain that later determines those things. There are also genetic and social and other environmental influences as well. That all being said, [it’s] very likely that chemicals like Atrazine . . . can influence your hormonal balance, and we know it does so in humans, that that potentially can influence things like sex or gender identity and orientation.”

Studies like Hays’s may never be funded or at least published. There are like 80,000 human made chemicals in the world, and most of them have not been studied to the level that Atrazine has. Most of the other compounds used in agriculture we know nothing about what they do. Attkisson said, “We couldn’t find anybody publicly studying the impact of Atrazine or any other chemical or pharmaceutical product on transgender trends.”

We conclude with the question, “WHY” are we not looking for answers, and finding out “WHY” some things are as they are? We will once again mention the joke we told during our series of TRANSPHOBIA blogs. “Two men were walking home one night, and one of them dropped his keys. The one that dropped the keys walked over to a streetlight and began looking for them there. The other man asked why he was over there, because they were never over by that streetlight. The man that dropped his keys said, “Well, the light is better over here.” Sometimes we find it easier to not search in the hard places. That takes time and effort. It is so much easier to simply repeat what we have heard about trans people. “WHY” are gay people gay? “WHY” are lesbian people lesbian? We have taken sides in those debates just assuming that that’s just the way it is without ever seeking the answer to the question, “WHY” It’s time to start answering the question as to “WHY” transpeople are trans. Let’s use our FREEDOM and LIBERTY in our Nation to start looking in the hard places rather than being so quick to judge and condemn.

The Dangers of a Prowling Lion

Which is worse? A prowling lion you can see, or a prowling lion you cannot see?

Last Sunday was Easter, the time set aside for Christians to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. His crucifixion was remembered on the preceding Friday. Without His resurrection, His death would have had no meaning to humanity. HE IS RISEN is a reason to rejoice and celebrate, not just once per year, but each and every day. So, why the short video clip above about a Prowling Lion? We know from a study of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, that Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Both genealogies in Matthew and Luke record that Jesus is a descendant of the tribe of Judah. Follow the thread of texts from Genesis 49:9-10, to Revelation 5:4-5, then to John 5:22 to confirm. But our blog today is not about the Lion of Judah, but about warnings given about another lion that roams and roars today upon this earth.

Our Nation was founded to a great extent upon Judeo/Christian history, beliefs and philosophies. To deny that this is true is to ignore any simplistic study of our Founding Fathers, their writings, communications, and documents. Over the decades, our Nation has become more and more secularized, replacing belief in a Creator with secularism. Just one obvious example reinforcing this fact was the 2024 annual Easter Egg roll and art contest at the White House. A flier circulated by the White House stated that “submissions should not include any ‘religious symbols’ or ‘overtly religious themes’. This is done in a bid to uphold the nation’s SECULAR values, especially in public events and activities.” (; March 30, 2024; CAPS provided for emphasis.) There are those that will argue that this is nothing new, and that’s correct, because we have already stated that the secularization of our Nation has been in the works for decades. This is primarily because for generations we as a people in this great Nation have become complacent, finding ease in our having already achieved a perceived peace in our time. After all, we fought and helped to win two World Wars. As a Nation we have become the most powerful one of earth. We have become wealthy by the world’s standards. All the while we have wallowed in the ease of comfort, convenience, and the ever-ethereal illusion of peace. Many of us have bought into the “Health and Wealth Gospel.” (Refer to our blog on April 30, 2023.)

Those who reside on the political progressive left in our Nation have often poo-pooed all over those who claim a religious FREEDOM and LIBERTY, seeing them as weak-minded, needing a crutch of spirituality to get them through each day. Those religious conservatives on the right have basically ignored their verbal abuse, seeing it as a mild form of persecution, promised by scripture to all who truly believe. “Yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12.) Many have unfortunately ignored the dangers expressed in the very next verse, verse 13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” For many on the conservative right, they have let down their guards, and have become easy prey to those described in verse 13 above. One of the dangers is that those who practice secularism, have appeared to be more and more like those on the conservative right, professing many similar values, but which are belied by their own actions. They speak of Jesus’s love, His commandments, His love and grace. They will quote scripture, but even Satan did that to Jesus when he was in the wilderness following His baptism. Unfortunately, many will come from the conservative side of politics to seek the destruction of true conservatives (2 Peter 2:1-3) bringing destruction not only upon themselves, but potentially upon those who listen to them. They speak like true conservatives but are actually “wolves” in “sheep’s” clothing (Matthew 7:15). Wolves are dangerous to sheep, but how much more dangerous is a lion?

We are in a spiritual war. Our Nation does not have a soul, but each one of us does. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a Roaring Lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8.) No, Satan does not look like a lion. The Apostle Peter uses a simile to describe Satan. The word “like” is used. There is a huge difference between the lion imagery of Jesus and Satan. Satan is “like” a lion, and Jesus is referred to AS the lion. Satan will try to mimic, while Jesus actually is. Here is something vital to understand. Observe a cat chasing a mouse. The cat will make no sound as it Prowls upon its prey. The real lion of the jungle hunts in similar manor, absent of any “Roaring”. When Peter says Satan Prowls “like” a Roaring lion, he actually says Satan will go hungry, for he can never catch his prey as long as the prey hears the “Roaring”. Lions in reality only “Roar” as an alarm or warning, just like that Ferrel cat you once tried to pet. It got all fuzzed up and hissed, with that deep-throated growl. (Analogies complement of

We believe our warning today is two-fold. There are those in our society today who seem to exemplify religiosity by their words. They speak, or “Roar”, claiming to be non-secular, while actually supporting and practicing ideologies far from conservatism. They are a threat to our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, guaranteed not originally by our Nation’s Constitution, but first and most importantly by our Creator. These are people we can see and monitor, to be watchful and mindful of as they “Prowl” and “Roar”. The second is more cunning and eternally dangerous if you are caught. He is Satan who seeks those who fail to hear his “Roar” as he “Prowls” seeking whom he may devour. You cannot see him, but he is always nearby. Be ever watchful. Be purposeful in your living. Our Nation’s survival depends upon it, as does your eternal survival.