ACQUIESCENCE – “A silent or passive assent or submission.” (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.) “The act or condition of agreeing or consenting by silence or without objection.” (dictionary.com.)
We would like to begin today’s blog by asking only one question. Have you given up or ACQUIESCED to those powers controlling and directing the failing state of our Nation, by your choosing to “sit this one out”, by deciding rather to leave the crusade to save our Nation to others?
There may be many reasons why some have chosen to “sit this one out.” However, we have learned through personal experience, that “reasons” are often used to hide “excuses.” We will not judge your motives, for only our Creator has the right and power to do so. We really only desire to de-calcify the hardness that may have formed around your abilities and desire to go beyond often uncomfortable boundaries, and the fear of potentially putting at risk relationships and employments. Our great Nation was founded by men and women who chose to take risks and go beyond set boundaries hindering their FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We are recipients of their boldness, and we have benefited for generations their decisions to not ACQUIESE. We want to remind you of what President Ronald Reagan said in part of his Inaugural address on January 5, 1967. “Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”
We would like to pivot now to address those of us who are more senior, who have lived long and loved much. You are members of The Greatest Generation. You fought through and won two world wars, bring peace, not only to our own Nation, but brought peace throughout the world, defeating those who would enslave populations and even exterminate them. You are mostly conservative in nature but have been more recently mired in the mega-plex of corporate media, where only half-truths are often told. Certain cable channels restrict and fail to air conservative broadcasts, even those providing a “more balanced” view of the news and of ideas. We will not rail against our conservative seniors, for their age of active involvement in politics is long-past, and they no longer desire to advance their impact.
Most of our older conservative seniors are not tech savvy. The good part of that is that they are not on social media, which we believe to be a major source of many of our National problems, where woke liberalism and progressivism prevail. The unfortunate part is that many are hesitant to use modern cell phone technology, let alone have the expertise to download and use conservative apps, even if available, all in the effort to expand their knowledge base. For many, the years of learning and applying knowledge is past prime. Many have bought into the age old saying that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, and have chosen a more silent path, one free of additional learning and the risk of conflict upsetting a well-established lifestyle. Moreover, many seniors find mail-in ballots to be convenient and feel ballot fraud difficult to imagine and highly unlikely, for what they do hear on available channels is often too one-sided, void of opposing views, even those views that are true. If our older conservative seniors even have a computer, it is most likely used only for email communication with family and friends. Their concept of using a “search engine” is foreign, and even if they would care to dabble in web searches, many search engines are biased with algorithms used by their creators, who most often favor non-conservative views.
Many of our older conservative seniors are willing to leave the fight for FREEDOM and LIBERTY to the younger generations. Unfortunately, many of those younger generations have already succumbed to the allure of hypnotic, woke agendas flooding their social media points of contact. They feed off of each other, often spreading falsehoods and developing antagonistic feelings and beliefs about a once conservative Nation. Many of our older conservative seniors lack understanding of progressive efforts identified by three letters, like CRT, DEI, BDS, and BLM. Three-letter acronyms, defining agencies contrived by our ever-bloating National government, are often unrecognized, and even if they are, there is an interminable lack of understanding how each agency effects our FREEDOM and LIBERTY. We find this confusing, since most of these agencies were developed years ago. It was during the 1930’s FDR administration when the “New Deal” was developed. Some 69 agencies were developed during his terms. Many of our more senior conservatives were alive during this time, the time of the Great Depression, 1929 to 1939. See if you can recognize just a few that have been devised through those years and following. The FBI, CIA, IRS, CDC, DOT, DOD, DOE, FRB, DNI, NSA, DIA, DHS, and DEA. Do you know how many of these are specified in our Constitution? How does the number ZERO strike you? Beyond simply being able to understand the words that the three letters signify, do you have any concept as to how these agencies operate, how they influence you and your Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY? Many, if not all, have been overrun with progressive, authoritarian ideologies. It is long-past time for a house cleaning.
It certainly is a bit much to expect many of our older senior conservatives to once again step forward to lead the fight to protect and secure our Nation’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY. However, there are many ways they can assist. At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM we believe in our Creator. We believe His hand is at work daily in our lives, and in the life of our Nation. He desires our exultations, pleadings, and thanksgivings. If we fail to make “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN” (reference our blog with the same title published August 15, 2022), then He may not choose to end our captivity to the principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12). Be not deceived, for there is a spiritual war on this earth. The greatest power against these forces we could ever muster lies in the hand of our God. Our exultations to his glory and power, combined with our praise and thanksgivings through our prayers is the only way to appeal to His saving grace and mercy. Pray fervently, continually. Let your faith be shown in your communication and conversations. Do not fear the actions of others as you share your fears and desires for relief from the current government administrations. You might be pleasantly surprised how many actually feel as you do. Those who have opposing viewpoints need to be challenged, for if they are not, they will continue to exist in their self-created bubble of their own mis-dis-or mal-information. They will continue to be held captive by the evil rulers of darkness of this world and may never be able to secure FREEDOM and LIBERTY not only for themselves, but for their prodigy as well. Our older conservative senior citizens only need to pray and speak the truth. God desires no more, but He also desires no less.