REDACTION. This is a word that has been “highlighted” over the last several days. Before we start getting all frustrated and angered, let’s all take a moment and realize that we all practice the art of REDACTION. You might ask, “Well how do I do that? I’ve never redacted anything!” Be careful about what you say or what you think, until you have carefully considered all the possible ways that you may have been involved in any form of REDACTION.

In this day and age, we all are concerned with the potential for identity theft, especially the theft of our own information. We do not want nefarious people to gain access to our personal information. Criminals can take that information about us and use it to steal our money, our credit, and even our reputation. So, we will ask a simple question. “How do you prevent this from happening?”

Here are several ways you may take action to prevent the theft of your personal information. You probably use passwords for account access, or even to get into your phone, computer, tablet, or laptop. You probably will blackout your private information on any document you have before you throw it away. You may even shred those documents. You may have a safe deposit box, or even a personal safe at home, where you store important documents. You probably keep a close tab on your purse or wallet when you are out shopping, not leaving those things ever out of your sight, if not out of your personal touch. You may take added safety precautions when alone at night when away from you house while with personal items, maybe by parking in lighted areas, or where there are many other people, and you probably avoid dark alleys in sketchy parts of the town in which you live. You may also enlist the aid of a professional theft protection service to add an additional layer safety. You may have items at home, or maybe you work in places, that use a fingerprint or even a retinal scanner in order to provide access. You might even be wealthy enough to hire a security service, not just home cameras, but maybe personnel as well. We are sure there are many other methods to protect your personal identity and items, but we have only listed some of the obvious ones.

If you have used any of the methods above, you have either knowingly, or unknowingly, participated in a form of REDACTION. Merriam-Webster’s definition includes the words “to reduce” (from the Latin verb “redigere”). When you use any of those methods above, you are in fact “reducing” the chance for personal fraud or theft. For most of us, we do not even think twice about taking these personal precautions, because our motives are designed to protect us, our families, our possessions, our wealth, and even our reputations.

Now we need to consider motive. For most of us, it is fairly simple to answer, as it is a matter of protecting everything we deem valuable. Our motive is simple self-preservation. When we move to the realm of the REDACTION of political and legal documents, we always hear the words, “to protect sources and methods”. Those words are more frequently used as a “CYA” (Cover You Ass) maneuver. We know this to be true once the full unredacted documents are revealed. If you believe your government is totally transparent, and never tries to deceive or hide facts and truths, then you are either void of a brain, or have lived under a very large rock for all of your life. Often, for those in power, their primary goal unfortunately is to maintain their power and preeminence at whatever cost, sacrificing transparency, truth, honesty, and morality, and in the process lose credibility, reliability, integrity, and fidelity. In their attempt to retain power, they knowingly and willingly demean not only themselves, and their official positions and organizations, but also our Nation’s standing in the affairs of the world.

SOURCES – When REDACTION takes place, careful observers must question “what sources”. Are they legitimate sources? Are they truthful sources? Are they biased sources? Are they sources with only a political agenda? Are they even sources, or is it just a word to cover illegal or crooked agendas?

METHODS – When REDACTON takes place, once again the careful observer must question “what methods”. Are they legitimate methods? Are the legal methods? Are the methods used consistent with written or well-established directives or policies? Are these methods used outside the flow of normal and expected Constitutional procedures and processes?

While the average American assumes these SOURCES and METHODS are hidden from view to protect our Nation and its people, unfortunately this is often not the prime reason for the declaration of this phrase, “to protect sources and methods”. What we will declare, based on the past history of our politics in general, is that the SOURCES and METHODS are used more to protect individual anonymity from illegal or criminal prosecution, or professional destruction, and to preserve the power of the current government. Whenever we hear that phrase “to protect sources and methods”, your “red flag” should pop up and you should be on notice that all is not well in the land of Oz. There is something being hidden, something someone or some group does not want you to see, and that vital information, often the truth, is hidden behind the curtain of secrecy.

If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY as much as we do at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, then you need to be on alert, and do everything in your power to reveal the truth. Your calls to those in positions of authority and power have more influence than you think, and your right to vote should never be shunned or discouraged. Only you, as a legitimate citizen of our Nation, have the ultimate power to preserve and protect our great country, the United States of America.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

This blog may well put our website on notice by the FBI. However, what we will tell, what we will show, is obvious to all, even to those who claim otherwise. They make those claims only to secure and retain their cushy jobs in attempts to maintain their unelected power. For a moment, consider the breadth and depth of our national government. Please review our blog posted on November 28, 2021, titled, “SHADOW GOVERNMENT – What? Who? Why?”, and more or less a companion piece posted November 7, 2021, titled, “BELTWAY BANDITS”.

Our Nation is awash in a sea of alphabet soup organizations, run and staffed by unelected bureaucrats. The list is vast and includes organizations like the FBI, CIA, NIH, IRS, EPA, DOJ, DHS, DEA, ATF, NSA, DOT, HHS, FAA, FCC, FDA, FHA, SEC, BPA, and the TVA. We won’t waste your time telling you the full name and purpose of the ones we have listed as it would make our blog extremely long. Suffice it to say that what we have listed is just a sampling, the tip of the iceberg if you will, of the vast number of bloated agencies concocted through the years by a runaway national government feeding on the tits of you, the milk cow of funding via your tax “donations”. Many of these agencies were created between 1933 and 1938 and are considered “New Deal Agencies”, thanks to Franklin D. Roosevelt, where 69 offices were established in his terms of office, created to combat the Great Depression (Wikipedia).

Due to recent events in Florida, we will only be focusing on one group, the FBI. It is the “FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS.” It was originally established in 1908 as the Department of Justice’s (DOJ, created in 1870) unit to investigate crimes, which had been done by private detectives and the Secret Service (created in 1865) ( The FBI has a long history through the following years, which we will not delve into, as the reader can fulfill that task outside of the scope of this blog. What we will attempt to do in this blog is focus not on what the letters FBI stand for, or the scope of their activities, but upon the words inscribed upon their seal, that being the three words, FIDELITY, BRAVERY, and INTEGRITY, added at the revision to the seal made in 1940. There is a lot of symbolism on the seal itself. “The dominant blue field of the seal and the scales on the shield represent justice.” The 13 stars denotes the “. . . unity of purpose exemplified by the original 13 states.” “The laurel leaf has, since early civilization, symbolized academic honors, distinctions, and fame. There are exactly 46 leaves in the two branches, since there were 46 states in the Union when the FBI was founded in 1908. the significance of the red and white parallel stripes lies in their colors. Red traditionally stands for courage, valor, strength, while white conveys cleanliness, light, truth, and peace. As in the American flag, the red bars exceed the white by one. The motto, ‘Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity’, succinctly describes the motivating force behind the men and women of the FBI . . .” “The peaked beveled edge which circumscribes the seal symbolizes the severe challenges confronting the FBI and the ruggedness of the organization. The gold color in the seal conveys its overall value.” ( That’s a lot to absorb, and a lot for us to comment upon. Let us not forget that the scale depicted shows a balance, not favoring one side or the other, as one would expect or demand from the Department of Justice.

Let us define “FIDELITY”. Adherence to something to which one is bound by a pledge or duty.” Some synonyms would be adhesion, allegiance, attachment, commitment, constancy, dedication, devotedness, devotion, faith, faithfulness, fastness, fealty, loyalty, piety, steadfastness . . .” among a host of others listed (Meriam-Webster). It is surprising how many other definitions include the word “ethics, or ethical“. (;;;;; just to list a few.) For the moment, we are going to skip over the word “BRAVERY” and go on to the word “INTEGRITY”.

Let us define “INTEGRITY”. “Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.” ( “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change.” ( “Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.” ( Synonyms of the word “INTEGRITY” are “decency, goodness, honesty, morality . . . righteousness, rightness, uprightness . . .” ( There are many other synonyms as well. “Truthfulness, ethics, good character, incorruption, incorruptibility, truth, honor, veracity, noble-mindedness . . .” among many more ( Once again, it is interesting to note that the word “ethics” or “ethical” are linked to “INTEGRITY”.

Now let us go back and pick up the word BRAVERY. It is “The condition or quality of being brave; courage. The quality of being brave; courage; heroism; undaunted spirit; intrepidity; gallantry; fearlessness.” (American Heritage Dictionary.) “The quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty . . .” ( Does it take BRAVERY to exhibit FIDELITY and INTEGRITY? We believe it does. It is often hard to stand against the flow of what would seem to be a majority walking in the opposite direction. Often it is hard to show BRAVERY in the face of those who command your actions, when you know obedience to their dictates would sacrifice your FIDELITY and INTEGRITY on the altar of personal preservation of position, seniority, and even employment.

In the last 6 years, even longer, the letters FBI could have very easily been inscribed with the words FORGERY, BETRAYAL, and INJUSTICE. We certainly do not mean to besmirch the overwhelming number of FBI agents who do their jobs as directed from above, who only want to do what they were trained to do as they make a living wage. Unfortunately, this alphabet soup organization has been corrupted from the top down, as one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.

FORGERY – Do you recall the FBI agent, Kevin Clinesmith, who altered FISA court documents? FORGERY “The act of forging something, especially the unlawful act of counterfeiting a document or object for the purposes of fraud or deception.” (American Heritage Dictionary.)

BETRAYAL – Do you recall those still held in prison awaiting trials and sentencing for simply trespassing and interrupting an official proceeding on January 6, 2021? What ever happened to the right to a speedy trial, the presumption of innocence, and the right to bail, especially when convicted criminals in multiple cities walk free with no bail? BETRAYAL“Violation of a person’s trust or confidence, of a moral standard . . .” (

INJUSTICE“Violation of another’s rights or of what is right; lack of justice. A specific unjust act; a wrong”. The following one should be heralded far and wide by the woke minority who clamor for equity. “Lack of justice or equity; unjust action; violation of another’s rights; wrong inflicted.” (American Heritage Dictionary). Lady Justice and her scales have been politically weighted in favor of those currently in power. There has been a concerted effort by them to look for any person in opposition to their agenda and find any crime that can be possibly hung about their neck to their destruction.

Many within our Nation are understanding the precipice upon which our Nation is teetering. This is not unlike what our Founding Fathers faced at the inception of our great Republic. They knew what was at stake. They knew what it would take to succeed. They understood what costs might be exacted from their very possessions, and indeed lives . . . but they were willing to move forward and pay whatever price would be required. Where are many of those like-minded “Founding Fathers” in our Nation today? It would seem many have fallen into a slumber-like sleep, and are unwilling, feeling unable, to have any impact on the arc of our national history. We would highlight a number of our previous blogs, many showing that what limited talents we may have, or perceive that we have, will be sufficient to the task at hand. For we do not labor alone in our quest for FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Please review several of our previous blogs to regain your courage. “THERE ARE MORE OF US, THAN OF THEM” (June 20, 2021), “WHO WILL STAND IN THE BREACH?” (June 27, 2021), and “FIVE SMOOTH STONES”(September 14, 2021).

We are especially imploring those who serve in the FBI to use your position of knowledge to help restrain, reveal, and reform that alphabet soup agency that has lost its way. This is not just about you. It is about honoring those in our Nation’s past who gave all to give you today the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to serve where you choose. It is also about retaining and maintaining the FREEDOM and LIBERTY your prodigy is depending upon you to leave for them to prosper in and treasure. Anyone serving within any of these alphabet soup agencies must truly exhibit those characteristics of FIDELITY, BRAVERY, and INTEGRITY. Use whistleblower protection and do what is ethical, what is just, what is right. Expose the fraud. Reveal the truth. Help save our Nation.


Have we gone absolutely rouge? Not everyone in our Nation believes there is a Heaven, so why should we display this white flag bearing an image of a green tree, with the words “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN“? We must be absolutely nuts. Right? So why should we do this blog today? What, if anything, does this image and words have to do with our search for a return to the founding principles upon which our Nation was established, those words around which we have formed all of our previous blogs . . . . FREEDOM and LIBERTY? Maybe it is time for a little history lesson.

Most within our Nation feel absolutely helpless to have any impact whatsoever upon even the smallest levers of Nation’s economic or political power. It is easy to say, “I am too small, too unknowledgeable, too young, too old, too insignificant to have any impact upon the course of our Nation.” Some will say, “I have no significant contact points, no one would even listen to me, no one even cares what I think, I would not know what to say or who to write to or who to call, and I am afraid to speak out in fear of offending family, friends, or neighbors.” At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM, we are speaking directly to all of you and telling all of you that you have the greatest power of all, and it requires something that everyone can do, even when out of the sphere of observation, that can be done in the privacy of your home, alone.

Let’s take a little trip back to our Nation’s Revolutionary War. Some of you may find this trip back into our Nation’s history somewhat discomforting, or maybe even irritating? Most of you, we are sure, will have no idea what this flag has to do with the founding of our Nation. It is time to reveal more history and allow the scales covering your eyes to be removed so that you can better understand where the power really came from to allow this fledgling little Nation of ours to overcome the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Here in lies the history of the white flag bearing the green tree and the words “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN“.

Do you believe that upon the founding of our Nation that every plan that was laid, with every action that was taken, our Founding Fathers, and all who supported their efforts, were completely and totally successful in all aspects of our fight for FREEDOM and LIBERTY? It would seem to us that many within our Nation are ignorant of what it took to establish our Nation and of the struggles that took place. Maybe many choose to ignore the facts of history, and would rather rely upon false and misleading narratives, believing the gaslighting agendas pushed by the current government, woke elite agencies, organizations, and corporations.

The Revolutionary War was not an easy or quick war. “In total, more than 1,500 Revolutionary War battles occurred during the American Revolution.” (; Revolutionary War battles, Rebecca Beatrice Brooks, December 4, 2017.) “How in the world, after eight and a half years of fighting, had a rag-tag army of colonial rebels in a fragile new nation of only 2.5 million people defeated the greatest military power on the planet at the time?” (; Nov. 10, 2021.) “John E. Ferling says that the odds were so long that the American victory was ‘almost a miracle’.” (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; edited 9 August 2022.)

The following two paragraphs have said it as well as we could, so we have quoted from the appropriate sources.

There are some slogans associated with the American Revolution that are powerfully evocative even today.  Phrases like ‘All men are created equal,’ ‘Give me Liberty or give me Death,’ and ‘Don’t tread on me’ are part of our national heritage, and they are well known and easily understood by present-day Americans.  Some other slogans of the Revolution, however, don’t have the same resonance in the 21st century that they did in the 18th century. One slogan that was popular early in the Revolutionary era was ‘An Appeal to Heaven.’ Even though the famous ‘pine tree’ flag that features this slogan is still widely recognized as a symbol of the Revolution, the meaning of the words ‘An Appeal to Heaven’ isn’t obvious to most modern-day Americans.  To understand these words, we must go back in time to the 17th century and to other, earlier political events that shaped the way British subjects thought about government and individual rights. During the 17th century there was a series of conflicts in Britain between Parliament and the Crown, and this caused British scholars to think and write a great deal about the nature of government and the limits of royal power.  John Locke (1632-1704) was the most important of these political philosophers. In 1689-90 he published his ‘Second Treatise of Government,’ which says:…where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment.This quote is part of Locke’s justification for the overthrow of Britain’s King James II, who was removed from power in 1688, an event known as the ‘Glorious Revolution.’  Locke argues that people have rights that cannot be infringed upon by the government and that rebellion is justified if it is to defend those rights. As American colonists increasingly came into conflict with the British government during the 1760s and 1770s, Locke’s words became an inspiration to many patriots.  After all, if the Glorious Revolution was justified as a defense against tyranny, didn’t the American Revolution have the same justification? The slogan ‘An Appeal to Heaven’ is less dramatic than ‘Give me Liberty or give me Death,’ but in its own way it is equally forceful and evocative.  It is a call to action couched in the words of a philosopher rather than a politician.” (; by ciniva; May 15, 2014,)

Anyone with half a brain will readily understand that most of our Founding Fathers were deeply religious, and understood that true power lied with the Creator, and not with man or his established government. Just look to our founding documents for proof. George Washington was acutely aware that this developing Nation had been blessed with a great land, one with vast resources and opportunities. The green tree on the flag should remind all of us of that. Consider the paragraph below in light of these facts.

“The early church refused to acknowledge Caesar as the highest sovereign in the universal chain-of-command. Instead, they proclaimed Christ as their true King. Conflict was therefore inevitable and unavoidable. This proclamation turned the whole world upside down. The Appeal to Heaven Flag was one of the ‘Independence flags’ used by the American colonist’s during the American Revolution commissioned by George Washington. Our Founding Father understood that an ‘Appeal to Heaven’ was the last resort for any oppressed people when all other form of redress of grievances has been exhausted. They took the slogan after they had realized that years of appeals to the British Government to address their issues had fallen upon deaf ears. The Declaration of Independence made it known to the King of England that they were going over his head to the King of Kings.” “America is once again in the midst of a serious political, social, moral and political crisis. Nearly every right given to us by God and legally protected by the Constitution has been usurped (illegally taken) from us. First and foremost, this includes the freedom of religion. The First Amendment to the Constitution legally protects this divine right to pray and FOREVER FORBIDS the Federal Government from ever infringing on it: ‘Congress shall make no law… prohibiting the free exercise of religion.’ Therefore, when the Supreme Court began to ban prayer and the reading of the Bible in the schools, they violated both a God-given and constitutionally protected right. The Supreme Court has and continues to violate both divine and constitutional law. This is an act of tyranny . . .” “The situation appears to be so grave that the American people need to once again ask ourselves: ‘Have we now forgotten this powerful friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?’ “It is for these reasons that the [sic] we have adopted the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ symbol and slogan for the next civil rights movement. This ‘Appeal to Heaven’ movement requires that the grassroots people rise-up and cast off the yoke of our oppressors. We must DEMAND that the civil authorities cease and desist from suppressing, or denying, our God-given and constitutionally protected rights through unjust laws, unjust rulings, or by using government force to execute these unlawful edicts.” (

When you have felt that there is nothing you can do but sit down or lay back and take whatever may come, we need you to wake up, get up and stand up. We implore each and every one to realize that we have access to the greatest power known. We encourage all to make “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN”. What you can do in the privacy of your own home is far more powerful than any blog, or army, or any revolutionary force. If you want to retain and maintain your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, then avail yourself of the words on this historical flag.