GASLIGHTING – Is This Happening To Me?

When we first heard this term, several past experiences came to mind. If you have had a barbeque grill, one that is started with propane, maybe you can relate to what can happen. You turn the bottle knob on, open one of the burner elements to the pilot light position and strike your match. If you are fortunate enough to have one of those long-nosed clicker things, powered by lighter fluid, and if you can get the little flame to stay on, you then bring your fire to the escaping gas in the burner element. If it is a breezy day, the flame never stays lit, so you light another match, or play with the trigger finger until a new fire is ignited at the tip of your magic wand. Finally, maybe after several tries, your flame finally makes contact with the burner element in question. This whole process may have taken several minutes. If you are like most people, the last thing you realize is that the gas has been flowing freely for the entire time of your fire demonstration failures. Reading the grill lighting instructions occurred 5 years ago, and you have forgotten the part about letting gas dissipate before attempting a re-light. Besides, everyone is waiting for the grill to be lit so that the food can begin cooking. Well, what has happened in the meantime is that a tremendous amount of gas has now built up in the well of the grill. When the match now gets close, KBOOM! Now, if you are lucky enough, only the hair on your arms is slightly singed. However, if you are one of the unfortunate ones, you might find yourself in the next county with second degree burns. Lighting gas, or GASLIGHTING, can be hazardous to one’s health!

We can remember a few years ago we heard about a new way of igniting your briquettes. One simply uses an old milk carton, like the half-gallon size, cut out the top and bottom, and fill it with your briquettes. If you have the kind that needs lighter fluid, (or if you have the kind that supposedly has the fluid already in the briquettes, it doesn’t really matter, because you don’t believe they contain any fluid since they don’t look wet), you simply pour lighter fluid down the top of the wax chimney, making sure you pour in enough to reach all the way to the bottom. What a great idea! This ought to work great! Once again, the remote flame is brought into close proximity to the wax chimney, now full of lighter fluid and a few briquettes. When this happened, you thought you were going to light the whole cabana on fire! The flames must have been six feet tall. Never mind rushing to get a bucket of water. Never mind reaching for the fire extinguisher. You never thought having any fire suppression devices or similar methods to save Smokey the Bear would be necessary. Fortunately, the flames eventually died down, and no one was injured in the melee. We bet you never used that method again! Once again, lighting gas, or GASLIGHTING, can be hazardous to your health.

Lighting gas is a dangerous thing!  Ever hear of a motorhome being pulled into a gas station with the refrigerator gas still turned on, and then having gas pumped into the gas tank. When the refrigerator tells the element it is time to re-cool the wonderful foods inside, when the burner lights, so do all the fumes from the gas filler tube now drifting toward the refrigerator!  Oh yes, it has happened. Sure, the new recovery rubber shields now recycle some of those fumes or spilled gas, but the hazard remains. That is why motorhome instruction manuals dictate turning off of the refrigerator when fueling the vehicle. But whoever reads those manuals anyway. Your used motorhome didn’t even come with one, and it wouldn’t help now anyway because all that is left is a metal smoldering frame, and some really upset service station attendants! Once again, lighting gas, or GASLIGHTING, can be hazardous to your health.

Lighting gas, or GASLIGHTING, can’t always be that dangerous, can it? Well, you tell us. Why do they tell you to turn off your exterior gas meter valve if there has been an earthquake? Sometimes things shake loose, like the connections bringing gas into your house. Some careless jerk walking around your house smoking a cigarette just might smell some gas, just before your whole house becomes a giant smoking hole in the ground, and your neighbors begin to wonder where your house went!  Ever noticed those “NO SMOKING” signs at the gas station, or on the ramp at any airport? There are reasons for posting those signs. Lighting gas, or GASLIGHTING, can be dangerous to your health. We dare not mention serving a bean dinner at a candle-lit dinner! It could lead to some explosive conversations!

Just the word “GAS” connotates some dangerous elements. Yes, it is true that gas has made this country pretty much energy independent, but as it is with any good sword, there are two edges. With just about anything, there is always a plus or a minus, a good or a bad, a right or a wrong, and so it is with GAS. It has an insidious side to it. There is a very good reason why gas companies add a chemical to their gas that makes it smell like rotten eggs. The reason is if they don’t, and the gas leaks out into a confined area, it will put you to sleep, slowly but effectively, and it will eventually kill you! In today’s vernacular, GASLIGHTING has the same type of effect. If someone tells you their chosen agenda over and over again, after a while you begin to believe it, never bothering to consider if what is being said is actually true or false. It is always critical that individual brains stay engaged and alert. GASLIGHTING can, over time, lull the dis-engaged brain to sleep, and when that happens, it is easy to believe anything you are told. If this is done on a mass scale, a large number of individuals can be influenced, and fall asleep and die, believing the chosen agenda. When there is no “rotten egg smell” mixed in with “the gas”, or put more succinctly, when there is no “truth” mixed in with “the chosen agenda”, you can easily fall asleep and die in the process of GASLIGHTING.

Yes, lighting gas can be dangerous to your health. In the age of electronic ignition sources, and fool-proof products, some of the experiences mentioned before would seem old fashioned or even unknown to those in the newer generations. Let’s approach the word “GASLIGHTING” from another angle. Let’s see if we can ignite some form of illumination for you, without blowing anybody up.

Have you ever been told something by somebody so many times that eventually you begin to believe it? As a young child you were told “Santa is coming! You better watch out and be good!” You really believed in Santa, because he usually did bring some stuff. Not always exactly what you wanted, but how many children actually got a horse for Christmas at the age of six anyway? Over time, we wised up, unfortunately caving into reality. As an adult, can you think of people who got themselves into situations that you knew were felonious? Ever hear of any cults? Jim Jones comes to mind, who literally brainwashed his inner circle to commit mass suicide in a Guyana jungle in the late 1970’s. How about the Heaven’s Gate cult led by Marshall Applewhite? He led his followers to believe they could escape this corrupt world for the “Next Level” by escaping (through suicide) to a spacecraft trailing the Hale-Bopp comet. We don’t know if they were successful, but 38 of his followers left this earth through suicide. At some point in our lives, all of us have found ourselves believing some scheme or lie. We took the teller of the news at face value because we trusted them and wanted to believe what we were being told. If we are too gullible or naive or allow our brains to be overcome with insidious “gas”, it becomes easier for someone else to use GASLIGHTING on us.

There are those who speak eloquently who can influence our thinking, and subsequently our behaviors. Many go to church to hear sermons designed to influence the hearer to a better way of life and living. Many join clubs because we are told it is the place to be or the thing to do. Are you going to register as a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent? The decision is often made by who surrounds you, like your family or friends or associates. The reality is that most of us are sheep and not shepherds, we like to call them SHEEPLE (“SHEEp + peoPLE). Most people prefer to be led rather than lead. It is often easier to be told what to think and do, rather than to think and do for yourself. We have encouraged parents to tell your kids, “Be the thermostat, not the thermometer!” Can you recognize the difference? One should control the environment, rather than letting the environment control you. If we fail to take control of our own thought processes, it is easy to succumb to the process of GASLIGHTING.

We guess the term goes back to a movie in the 1940’s called “Gaslight”, actually a stage play in the late 1930’s known as “Angel Street” in the United States. It is where a man influences his spouse to the point where she believes she is losing her mind. If a lie is told often enough, it can become true in the ears of the listener. Over time, you begin to question reality, you begin to wear down, it is the analogy of the proverbial frog in the pot on the stove. The heat is turned up slowly and eventually it is too late to escape. GASLIGHTING is a form of psychological manipulation; it is a form of abuse. The whole purpose of the one doing the GASLIGHTHING is to control the targeted individual. Real facts can be hidden or lied about. A concerted effort is made to alter the targeted person’s self-esteem and subsequently second guess their own decisions. Sociopaths and narcissists are often those who excel in GASLIGHTING others. How to define and identify those who fall into those two categories were covered in one of our previous blogs on June 13, 2021, titled “DANGERS OF SOCIOPATHS”. A careful study of those who exhibit such personalities need to be made in order to help prevent one from being a gullible recipient of GASLIGHTING.

Sometimes our FREEDOM and LIBERTY can be stolen if we allow others to perform GASLIGHTING on us! Now go out and have a nice barbeque. Please read the directions before lighting your grill!


When an aircraft crashes, it usually does so because of a combination of factors, some more important than others, but yet all contributing to the end result. Those that are sent to the scene of such a crash have the responsibility to determine those factors leading up to the crash. There are many factors that need to be explored, such as all mechanical issues with the aircraft. Was everything operating normally at the time of the crash? The maintenance history of the aircraft will be researched to find potential errors made. Weather could be a factor, such as wind or icing. The pilot(s) will be researched as to their qualifications, experience and training. Even a pilot’s phycological profile will be examined to see if there was adequate rest before the flight, and to see if stresses in a pilot’s home life might have bearing. Airport facilities, including hardware like landing systems, and airport personnel, like air traffic controllers will be examined as well. So, you can see that is not always just a mechanical failure, or just the pilot’s fault. All of this research is all done to determine the multiple faults leading to the crash in hopes of making future corrections to training, maintenance, or aircraft hardware in the future to make a similar crash in the future much less likely.

We mention all of this to say that anything that happens in life is not always simply due to one thing. It is often due to multiple issues culminating in the result. This is where we have coined the word “DOMINOMICS”. Sometimes one simple, often seemingly insignificant issue, like one domino, can lead to a chain-reaction leading to catastrophic conclusions, causing many dominos to fall. As in the video above, sometimes the same entity can start multiple chain-reactions having catastrophic results over a wide range of issues. This is the focus of our blog today. Our Nation is currently being negatively affected by a host of issues, all stemming from the same single source, a single “domino”. If this source is not prevented from continuing its destructive processes, our Nation will surely succumb to the effects of “DOMINOMICS”. Before we send in the investigators to determine the cause of our Nation’s crash, we need to pull out of our Nation’s “TAILSPIN” (blog on January 23, 2022, titled, “TAILSPIN”), to prevent the total destruction of our Republic. We will attempt in this blog to point out three single events that have led to catastrophic issues facing our Nation today, and the source of those single events.

ENERGY INDEPENDANCE: There was one “domino” that fell, restricting our Nation’s ability to extract oil and natural gas from federal land and water, and cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline project (Forbes, January 29, 2021, Robert Rapier). This one “domino” caused several others to fall. With the second “domino” to fall, our Nation soon became dependent upon other nations for oil, several of them hostile to our Nation. Our third “domino” to fall in succession, our gas prices started to rise as the source of oil in the world was drastically reduced. With the fourth “domino” to fall, it became more expensive to transport items to our Nation’s citizens. The “dominos” continued to fall, inflation started to rise as items became scarcer to purchase, so the price of each item went up. The fifth and more “dominos” are continuing to fall, as our citizens found their budgets to be squeezed, not only by the rising cost of fuel, but also with the rising cost of all goods. Every citizen is now being forced to make decisions about what they can or cannot afford, and each one of those choices has an impact not only on the local and national economics, but also on each individual having to scale back to keep financially afloat. This is “DOMINOMICS” on the rise.

SOUTHERN BORDER INVASION: One single “domino” fell which restricted our Nation from adequately defending the invasion of illegal aliens coming across our southern border. The second “domino” to fall was the direct impact this invasion had on our citizens living on the southern border. Their homes were broken into, fences taken down, and dangers roamed free as often these illegal vagrants carried weapons, many carrying with them the COVID pandemic and other diseases. The following third “domino” was the impact this is currently having on many of our citizens all over our Nation as our current government, aided by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), aided these illegals by providing transport, money, phones, and other forms of assistance allowing them to infiltrate hundreds of communities in our Nation. We are now seeing the fourth “domino” falling as crime committed by these illegals is on the rise. They bring with them child and drug trafficking. This leads to our fifth “domino” falling in this sequence, that being the drug Fentanyl killing thousands of our citizens. We will soon see many other “dominos” falling as a result of the first one. Our Nation’s education will be impacted, as will our healthcare system. We will be holding our breath hoping beyond all reason that terrorism will not be among the many other “dominos” to fall in this line, all caused by the one single “domino” being pushed over. This is “DOMINOMICS” on the rise.

COVID-19: We have already in previous blogs referenced the source of this pandemic and revealed those who conspired to bring it about. While the reasons remain clouded in secrecy and deception, what is clear and undeniable is that when this one “domino” hit the shores of our Nation, it resulted in a long series of “dominos” falling. The second “domino” to fall was best revealed by Rahm Emanuel when he repeated his “never let a crisis go to waste” catchphrase while discussing the coronavirus pandemic (; March 24, 2020.) “Two weeks to flatten the curve”, became two years to flatten the economy! Mandates issued by federal and state officials shut down our Nation, which irreparably harmed thousands of businesses, and injured millions of citizens. The third “domino” to fall was the created need to push mail-in ballots, reduce screening thresholds, and covert counting processes, many in direct contradiction to federal and state law, often issued by those not empowered to do so. This created the fourth “domino” to fall, that being the doubt that the 2020 election was legitimate, 40% of Americans by one source (; January 6, 2022; Maya Yang). Simultaneously, the fifth “domino” fell. The impact on youth continues to be revealed showing the very young to be behind in normal cognitive progression, while our young adults run higher risks due to mandated injections, where even now, the true adverse effects are silenced by calling such reveals as mis-dis-or mal-information, facts that do not support the chosen agenda of the government, media, pharma, and big corporate elites. Those actuaries monitoring insurance rates have noticed a “Huge, huge numbers: insurance group sees death rates up 40% over pre-pandemic levels Since ‘Feb. 1, 2020, the Centers for disease Control and Prevention estimate there have been 942,431 excess deaths in the U.S.” (; Shirin Ali; January 7, 2022). It should be noted the increase in deaths, for the most part, are not COVID related deaths, so for now the speculation is “. . . that the death increase can be attributed to the vaccines.” ((NOQ Report; JD Rucker; January 4, 2022.) This is “DOMINOMICS” on the rise.

We are sure you could name other categories of “dominos” that are falling one-by-one. One other example would be the bungled retreat from Afghanistan and the “dominos” that continue to fall as a result of that one single “domino” falling. The three we have listed above are for your initial consideration. So far, we have not yet identified that one thing that started each of the above categories of “dominos” to fall. It would seem logical that each topic would have had a separate entity creating the chain of events, setting in motion the falling of multiple “dominos” in line, one after the other. However, that is not to be the case. As in the short artist’s rendering of dominos falling above, so it is in the case of the disastrous effects being thrust upon our Nation. While the offending party is clearly seen, as it caroms from one domino line to the next, it is not alone in its efforts to create the havoc now being imposed upon our Nation. Note that the one wildly swinging “domino” entity is under the control of something above, unseen, yet clearly the controlling force bringing all the chaos of “DOMINOMICS”. It should be clear that the current occupant of the White House is not in full control of all aspects of reality. It should also be clear that behind this person, there are others controlling, dictating, coordinating, manipulating, and over-seeing the actions of the one swinging “domino.”

We cannot stress highly enough the need to stop the wild swinging of the one bringing about the falling of so many “dominos”. Our Nation’s survival is at stake. If you treasure your FREEDOM and LIBERTY, you must take action to use whatever talent, time, or position you may have, to defend our most sacred National documents, our Constitution and Bill of Rights. If you do your part, we not only honor those who have gone on before us, but we’ll also leave a legacy that those who follow will also honor.


First and most importantly, we are NOT “anti-vaxxers” at FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM. We believe that each person has the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to choose your own path concerning not only vaccinations, but everything in your life. The obvious exclusions are when your definition of freedom and liberty deny the use of someone else’s FREEDOM and LIBERTY, or when you go against any provisions set forth in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. A moral conscience and a patriotic spirit were underpinnings in the foundation of our Nation and should continue to be so. One must also function within the rightfully and legally established laws of the land. We have always been against any form of mandate, as they only can lead to tyranny and oppression when not in compliance with the founding principles of our Republic. Our governmental system was specifically designed to protect smaller states and municipalities by not being a strict democracy. Our Republic forces compromise, leading to a more unified Nation. The result of compliance with our founding documents guarantees a robust conversation within the public square to allow compromises to take place. The current government in Washington D.C. has not been acting in good faith with our Constitution or with the Bill of Rights. The most notable excursion has been in the area of freedom of speech. The current cancel culture, promulgated by the current government, elites in social media and big corporations, and in particular of late, big pharma, have acted in concert and in direct opposition to the founding tenants of our Nation to suppress the freedom of speech, going so far as to vilify and destroy those in opposition, those choosing to express opposing points of view leading to a more unified national consensus, one requiring compromise. Below, we will be providing some of the opposing information being hidden from our Nation because it does not fit the narrative of those who seek to push their own personal agendas and done so to increase their power and wealth.

The following information comes from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) provided by three whistleblower military doctors during a panel discussion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Monday, January 24, 2022. Cancer diagnoses from 2016 to 2020 averaged 38,700 per year. In 2021 they increased to 114,645. Miscarriages from 2016 to 2020 were 1,499 per year. In 2021 there were 4,182. Neurological issues from 2016 to 2020 averaged 82,000 per year. In 2021 there were 863,000. Myocardial infarction increased 269%. Bell’s palsy increased 291%. Congenital malformations of military members’ children increased 156%. Female infertility increased 471%. Pulmonary embolisms increased 467%.

“The codes that were examined are generally for ailments that have been established as potential adverse effects of the vaccines in medical literature . . .” “. . . data on myocarditis cases appears to have been doctored, as the whistleblowers found that the number of codes for the diagnosis was about 28 times higher in August 2021 than when they checked again this month, where it was only two times higher.” ” . . . one of the military doctors said, ‘It is my professional opinion that the major increases (sic) incidences of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19 vaccinations.'” (Just the News; January 26, 2022.) The codes were not for the number of individuals, because one person could have multiple ailments.

The following data was revealed on February 3, 2022, on Warroom Pandemic. It also is in conjunction with the data found revealed above: Hypertension increased 2,181%. Migraines increased 452%. Tachycardia increased 302%. Guillain-Barre Syndrome increased 551%. Multiple Sclerosis increased 680%. Esophagus Malignant Neoplasms increased 624%. Ovarian Dysfunction increased 437%. Breast Cancer increased 487%. Testicular Cancer increased 369%.

Folks, way back on April 4, 2021, we published a blog titled “VACCINE EFFICACY”. We showed the actual data given by the vaccine makers to the FDA for EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). We showed then, by their own data, that there was no statistical difference between the test vaccinated group and the control unvaccinated group, meaning that the vaccinations were irrelevant in fighting COVID-19. Since then, we have learned that adverse data was hidden, that Pfizer wants to avoid complete transparency for 55 (or possibly more) years. In Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial on January 25, 2022, he warned of the dangers of these vaccines. We have learned that the original study of the vaccine efficacy was to go for 5 years, but after 6 months they ended it by unblinding the placebo group by giving them the vaccine. In their study, more died of heart attacks in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated group. In the vaccine group, 21 died over the six-month period. In the placebo group, only 17 died. “. . . this conclusion is inescapable – that if you take the vaccine, you have a 21% increased chance of dying over the next six months.” He went on to say, “Now what happened was, in the vaccine group, one person died of COVID of 22,000 people. In the placebo group, two people died from COVID. That allowed Pfizer to tell the FDA and the American people that this vaccine is 100% effective. Because two is 100% greater than one. And that is a metric called relative risk. It is a deceit. The important thing for people to understand is ‘absolute risk.’ And here’s what absolute risk tells us. They have to give 22,000 vaccines to protect one person from death from COVID. And if you’re going to give 22,000 vaccines to prevent one death, you better make sure the vaccine doesn’t kill anybody. Because if it kills one person, you have canceled out all the benefits. But as we saw, 21 people died in the vaccine group and only 17 in the placebo group. So where did those excess deaths come from? The answer to that question is heart attacks. In the vaccine group, there were five fatal heart attacks in the six-month period among those 22,000 people. In the placebo group, there was one fatal heart attack among the 22,000 people. “So what that means is if you take the vaccine, you’re 500% more likely to die of a heart attack over the next six months than if you don’t. And it also means that for every life they’re saving by averting a COVID death, they are killing four excess people with heart attacks.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was mostly just addressing the heart attack issues in the paragraph above. In the three paragraphs before that one, we listed 17 potential life-altering adverse effects from the COVID vaccine. In our last blog we discussed the level of RISK you would be willing to accept. We ask that question again. Maybe you feel the need to accept the risk of any of the side-effects we’ve documented above. That is your choice. This is a free country. But what about your children who are under your supervision? They rely upon you to keep them safe and make the best choices for their development. They are too young to make these decisions on their own. You hold their lives in the decisions you make. Are you aware of the current CDC data concerning COVID risks for youth? If you are doing your job as a parent, or even as a grandparent, knowing the data, knowing the history of this virus is critical to determine the acceptable level of RISK you are willing to accept on behalf of your children.

Consider the RISK of your children getting COVID and the minute chances of death. Keep in mind that the data provided by the CDC is often confusing as they often lump more than one reason for death into the same column. For example, they will list COVID only deaths, but will also list death due to “pneumonia, influenza or COVID”, or “pneumonia and COVID”. There is always the question of whether or not one who has died did so because of COVID or with COVID. Hospitals have capitalized from having COVID patients, $50,000 per patient, it had been $77,000 in an earlier round (HFMA; Rich Daly, July 20, 2020). “Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. but Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services] whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.” (PurpleSky; November 19, 2021; Comments by Brian Shilhavy; Editor, Health Impact News.) Also keep in mind that those most at RISK of dying have comorbidities, like being overweight, or having diabetes. Even so, “Amongst people under the age of 20, the survival rate was 99.9987%.” (American Faith; Summit News; January 11, 2022.) According to the CDC, for those dying under the age of one from all reasons for deaths, the chance of dying by COVID alone is only 0.5% of all deaths (200 deaths from COVID, total deaths 39,141). For those dying between the ages of 0 to 17 from all reasons for death, the chance of dying by COVID alone is only 1.1% of all deaths (770 deaths from COVID, total deaths 69,463).

With the above facts in hand, Let’s add in some other data from one of our previous blogs, July 25, 2021, titled, “If We Can Save Just One . . . We Should . . .” In 2020 alone children ages 0-14 were more likely to have died from Motor Vehicle deaths – 1,282; Mechanical Suffocation – 1,240; Drowning – 920. Add in those up through the age of 24 and the numbers jump to 7,313 for Motor Vehicle deaths, and 1,660 for Drowning. If you add in Poisoning for ages 0 to 24, there were 5,190 deaths. Of those aged 10 to 24, who died in 2019, Suicide – 6,488; Homicide – 4,965; Malignant Neoplasms – 1,792; Heart Disease – 959; or even Unintentional Injury – 12,535 (National Institute of Health, information from the CDC). Each one of those numbers for a single year are higher than the combined numbers for COVID deaths for youth.

You weigh the RISK for your children. Do you recognize the dangers of the vaccines? Do you understand the RISK you accept every day when compared to the limited threat of COVID? Choose FREEDOM and LIBERTY to make the right choice.

What is the cost of taking a RISK?

At FREEDOMGOFORTH.COM we quite frankly are tired of being told by anyone claiming to be our overlord that we must do this or that, or that we cannot do this or that. We live in the United States of America and not only treasure our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, but we will do whatever is necessary to protect it and preserve it. All of us have a limited life span. You can either choose in this short period of time to be productive and beneficial to our society, or you can choose to wallow in cowering fear under a cloak of oppression and distortion. How do you choose to live, and who do you choose to rule your life? “WHAT IS THE COST OF TAKING A RISK?” There are many in our Nation who have chosen a path of least resistance, one in which simple compliance makes for less friction but produces laziness and communal acceptance under the rule of those who claim to know what is best, who do not care for your wellbeing, but who only care for their own acquisition of power and wealth, and they will tell you whatever they think will help to bring about your submission to their will. We remember a few years ago about a well-known radio host who described this process in his own life experience in school. He had decided to run for president of his class or school but was up against another who sought the same office. The opposing candidate promised everyone a trip to Disneyland if their candidacy was successful. Well, it was, but guess what? There was never the possibility that anyone was going to get a free trip to Disneyland, and they didn’t, but the school students wanted it to be true, but for the candidate, it did not matter. All that mattered was winning the race regardless of anything promised, for it was a fool’s dream. Many have been living in a similar dream-state in the last several decades, a mesmerizing, hypnotic like trance brought about for any individual who desires something for nothing, brought about by those who care not for the fulfillment of any statements or promises made. Over the past 15 years or so, we have been reminded of similar tactics used to entrap our Nation’s citizens into a false sense of hope, believing that anyone claiming to share the wealth at the end of a rainbow would lead to their own happiness, fulfilling all their dreams of a life free of effort and toil, full of comfort and wealth.

Do you remember some of these promises made? “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” These promises turned out to be far from the truth, where health plans not only surged in cost, but forced many out of their customary plans into ones vastly more expensive, and where many were forced to change service and doctor providers. More recently, do you recall these statements? “. . . I’m going to shut down the virus”, a statement made by the current occupant of the White House during his campaign for the office of President. How well has that gone? Now, the same person is making other promises, ones he knows cannot be achieved in his short tenure in office but knows will give hope to millions just because he said it. He is going to reduce cancer by 50%. It’s an attempt to bolster his sinking pole approval numbers, but in reality, will do no more than what was done in his previous attempts. On January 13, 2016, then President Obama tapped the current occupant of the White House to lead the fight against cancer, saying “Let’s make America the country that cures cancer once and for all.” This was certainly a worthy effort, but ended up being only verbal hyperbole, with no plan or real efforts to achieve it, and lead only to false hope and more broken promises. At a campaign stop by the same individual he said “. . . I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer.” (June 11, 2019.) The current occupant of the White House founded in 2017 his own “. . . Cancer Initiative”, but in the first two years gave NO grants while spending millions on salaries to former Washington D.C. aides. “The charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018 and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years.” “The group’s president, Gregory Simon raked in $429,850 in fiscal year 2018 . . .” Tax filings reveal that $56,738 were spent on conferences and $59,356 spent on travel the first year, and $97,149 the second year. They spent $742,953 on conferences. (New York Post, Isabel Vincent, November 14, 2020). This was just another one of his scams, to enrich himself and cohorts, to engender hope in the masses all too willing to believe. Do you trust your tax dollars with this guy? This seems to be a theme of the current government in Washington D.C. The Secretary of Transportation, while presiding over a supply-chain crisis within our Nation, has proclaimed a goal of achieving ZERO traffic deaths. “Over the next five years, nearly $14 billion in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will flow to road safety programs, including $6 billion in new competitive grants for complete streets and safer school routes, $4 billion in additional funding for state highway safety improvements and hundreds of millions for behavioral research and interventions.” There will be a shift from blaming crashes on human error, to a strategy shifting to systems surrounding road users. Whatever that means? There was an “. . . 18.4% surge in fatalities in the first half of 2021 – the largest six-month jump on record – with more than 20,000 people killed in vehicle crashes . . .” (Bloomberg CityLab, Laura Bliss, January 27, 2022.) Brace yourself for an explosion of photo radar traps and procedural changes aimed at making driving much more difficult. The only real way to bring traffic deaths to zero is to ban all vehicles, including bikes, skateboards, Segways, and hoverboards, and to rip up every inch of road asphalt and concrete. Why is it that these elites always promise so much, then deliver so little? Do you suppose it is simply incompetence? No, it is combined with, among other agendas, another form of “Wag the Dog”, hoping to distract attention from other mass failures.

This has been a long lead-in to the topic at hand, “WHAT IS THE COST OF TAKING A RISK?” Many have accepted the RISK of believing pompous elites who promise the undeliverable, who fail to deliver the unattainable. Whether it is in the areas of health insurance, the search for the cure of cancer, or solving roadway tragedies, there have been no successful attempts, and the RISK often made has been exchanged for failure and disappointment. We want to view another RISK that has been consuming our Nation over the last two years. While heeding to those we believed were knowledgeable, we have been systematically deprived of many aspects of our FREEDOM and LIBERTY granted to us by our Creator and guaranteed to us by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The advent of COVID-19, and the current government, social, media, and corporate elites’ response to it, has killed many, shuttered many businesses, and destroyed many livelihoods. Many took the RISK to comply, believing the greater good would result. Now, many are desiring to take a more personal RISK knowing that our personal FREEDOM and LIBERTY are at stake. Some may have seen the following article written by James Stansbury. This is not our normal form of blog, but we need to provide a portion of his article below for you to consider in conjunction with your response to COVID-19 and “WHAT IS THE COST OF TAKING A RISK” for you.

The title of the article is “The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart.” (American Thinker; February 2, 2022.) Concerning masks, vaccinations, and mandates, he continues below: “. . . Why is there so much disagreement? The late Malcolm Muggeridge put it this way ‘People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.’ Think about it; the Left and their media allies have terrified our children and ordinary citizens so much that they desperately want to believe masks and vax mandates are the only answer. Anyone who disagrees must be silenced, socially destroyed or even allowed to die by withholding organ transplants or life-saving therapeutics. I was taught the only way to fight a lie is with the truth. However, I also know those who placed all their hope in the big COVID lie will do whatever it takes to silence anyone who disagrees. Just ask Joe Rogan about being silenced. It is nearly impossible to overcome emotion with facts, but I will present some anyway: 1). ALARMING VAX SIDE EFFECTS REPORTED BY MILITARY WHISTLEBLOWERS. This story made a few waves last week when Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) included a mention in his five-hour Senate hearing. The information came from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), a mundane accounting tool used to track all medical diagnosis of military personnel and dependents for insurance billing purposes. DMED did better than the CDC’s ineffective Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Following is a summary of the most alarming vax side effects: *Myocardial infarction (heart attack) – 269% increase, *Cancer diagnoses – 300% increase. Miscarriage – 300% increase. *Bell’s palsy – 291% increase. *Congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase. *Female infertility – 471% increase. *Pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase. *Neurological issues – 1000% increase. 2). ATHLETES ARE MYSTERIOUSLY DYING OF SUDDEN HEART ATTACKS: In Dec. 2021, Lorphic News, a non-traditional news source reported on the extraordinary number of physically fit, fully vaccinated athletes experiencing fatal heart attacks. This claim was systematically denied by most news sources. However, a chart compiled by the Federation Internationale de Football [soccer] Association (FIFA) confirms this is real and like the above military data, is based on a large sample size. FIFA has member athletes from 209 countries and has routinely tracked athlete health data for 20 years. Their long-term data confirms a fivefold increase in sudden cardiac deaths in only six months of 2021. 3). VACCINES NOW HAVE NEGTIVE EFFICACY: Data has surfaced claiming that continued use of the original vax is causing negative efficacy. Negative efficacy doesn’t mean the protection fades. It means the opposite: it means the vaccines are now weakening the immune system. It became clear that countries with the highest vax rates, were the most likely to experience a surge in both cases and deaths. You can monitor five representative countries daily death rates here. Note that India is included because India was the only one to allow the widespread early use of inexpensive therapeutics. Initially their protocol included hydroxychloroquine but when the more deadly delta variant hit they switched to a protocol that included ivermectin. India had far better results than the others in taming COVID. In the above sample, Australia had the most severe police state lockdowns, mask mandates and a high vax rate around 80%. After some initial sucess, it has suddenly gone from near zero cases and deaths to having an explosion in both. Since spring of 2021 Sweden, noted for its minimal mandates, had maintained near zero cases and deaths as a result of achieving herd immunity early. All that changed when for reasons unknown Sweden pushed vaccinations despite the herd immunity achievement. As a result, Sweden’s flat-lined case and death rate also spiked, thus indicting its herd immunity achievement is compromised by vax negative efficacy. 4). OMICRON PROVIDES LONG-LASTING NATURAL IMMUNITY: A peer-reviewed article titled ‘Cross-reactive memory T cells associate with protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection in COVID-19 contacts’ published Jan. 10 in the scientific journal Nature provided a warning and some encouragement: ‘Once widespread infection (such as the Omicron wave) occurs across the world, the virus will eventually circulate endemically, meaning that infections may still happen but with milder symptoms and much less mortality.’ There are two reasons that the transition from pandemic to endemic didn’t happen until Omicron: 1) all the widely used vaccines are based on the spike protein, which doesn’t induce a protective long-lasting T-cell response, and 2) natural immunity wasn’t widespread. In other words, the current vaccines too narrowly target only the original Alpha spike protein and ignore the rest of the virus proteins. This inhibits production of long-lasting memory T-cells that can more readily adapt to new variants and this omission for those most heavily vaccinated appears to have changed omicron from mild to more dangerous. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the dangerous vax side effects described above, it’s time to recognize that COVID is becoming endemic like the closely related common cold or seasonal flu. This means the safest way for the unvaccinated to produce the necessary long-lasting memory T-cells may be by catching omicron. For those facing omicron with an immune system weakened by multiple vaxxes and boosters, age or comorbidities, and emergency use authorization by the FDA for the therapeutics (chiefly ivermectin) India used could be a life saver. However, the political climate today makes FDA authorization unlikely – many hospitals have already allowed patients to die rather than try these proven, safe therapeutics. and last week, effective monoclonal antibody treatments have mysteriously lost their FDA approval. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to fortify your immune system with a daily dose of over-the-counter vitamin D3, C, and zinc (all are included in India’s COVID kit). Around 80 to 85 percent of people who died from COVID were deficient in these vitamins and the most vulnerable are senior citizens and the obese (because fat cells absorb vitamin D before it can reach where needed). I’m no doctor so ask yours for dose rates since each can vary widely by weight, age, etc. We are still on our own for an early treatment option so it may be better [to] contact an organization of rebel doctors like the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). U.K. PM Boris Johnson did the right thing by ending all vax and mask mandates and let nature take its course. (The Remnant features an excellent analysis of the politics behind the COVID tyranny.) Denmark has just followed his lead. Will 50,000 fearless Canadian truckers succeed in bringing a strong enough emotion to Canada or the U.S. to end the mandates?”

So, now knowing many other facts that have been hidden from view by the cancel culture, and those profiting by pushing their own agendas, what kind of RISK are you willing to take? Do you want to follow those who will make any empty promises to get their way, or tell you things you would like to believe, even though you know their histories, and now know more of the facts? Will you seriously consider “WHAT IS THE COST OF TAKING A RISK? One direction can lead to FREEDOM and LIBERTY; the other direction can kill you or may consume you like the surfer in the picture above.