WE ARE PUBLISHING THIS BLOG EARLY AS THE INFORMATION IS TIME SENSITIVE. WE URGE EVERYONE TO READ THIS AS SOON AS IT IS PUBLISHED, AND ACT UPON IT ACCORDINGLY. Unless catastrophe rears it’s ugly head, we will resume our regular blog posts on Sunday, October 10, 2021.

We wonder how many of you have a $100 bill in you wallet or purse? Maybe a few of you have never even seen one? Those bills are not exactly what you would take with you to buy a few groceries. Besides, most people today use credit or debit cards. Few think of how much cash actually is transferred with each purchase. When it comes time to pay those monthly credit card bills, there really is no concept of the cash exchanging hands at that time, since either it is done automatically through a bank transfer you set up, or maybe you still write a check. Maybe a few of you actually pay cash for everything you can. Still, it is unavoidable to realize that the cost of everything is going up, and that the value of each dollar you have is worth less and less each passing week.

How many of you know a millionaire personally? Maybe a few do, but we are sure the vast majority of you do not. Some of you may have assets and bank or stock holdings that if cashed out might put you in that category of being a millionaire, but even at that, most of what you say is yours is not easily liquidated, turned into readily available cash. You might be considered a millionaire on paper only, certainly not exemplified in lifestyle. Do any of you know a billionaire personally? Highly unlikely if you are spending your time to read these blogs, because they don’t wallow in minutia like do the majority of the citizens within our Nation. They are above the fray and isolated from any effects of rising costs, inflation, or the daily grind of simply trying to get by. Do you realize you would have to know 1,000 millionaires to equal the market value of only one billionaire? That is a stretch of our mind to even comprehend that much wealth. Now, here is where it gets really difficult. Do you realize it would take 1,000 billionaires to equal the value of only one trillion dollars? That blows our mind! It is simply incomprehensible to try and relate that to our everyday existence.

Considering what one trillion dollars is, our current government has been pushing for a 3.5 trillion dollar “Human Infrastructure Bill”. This “Voting Rights” bill will strip away many of the voting safeguards placed in law by individual states, making voter fraud not simply possible, but likely. Just to make sure that the “woke” minority can steal and seal away their most coveted dreams, they have lumped the one-plus trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill into this process bloating the over all bill to nearly 5 trillion dollars! Around one-half of the “infrastructure” bill has nothing to do with roads and bridges, and at least one-quarter of it has no way of being funded. Much of what is provided for true infrastructure is riddled with threshold quotas for diversity and equity. The current government claims this is part of their “Build Back Better” plan, which we have renamed in a previous blog “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY” (September 5, 2021), which we now need to call “TRILLIONS TERRIFYINGLY THREATENED.” The only way that the current government can pass and fund any of these dream giveaways, is to raise the debt ceiling on our government spending. It will be an orgy of spending, and most of it will be frittered away on administrative fees, pet projects, and will be provided to NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) who are not elected and for which there is limited, if any, accountability. If they need more time to twist the arms of congress men and women, by offering pet project funding, a Continuing Resolution (CR) will be passed to “kick the can” down the road one more time. We want to point out, if it is not yet evident to you, that the money they want to spend is not their money, but your money! They intend to get it anyway they can. They will print more money, which will destabilize the dollar on the world market and lead to the potential of its demise as the standard vehicle for world-wide transactions (meaning we could no longer print our own way out of financial ruin), not to mention how it will devalue each dollar you hold in your hand. They will also increase taxes on everyone. Do not fall into the trap of believing what they say, for their words are lies. If you buy groceries or gas for your vehicle, you will be paying more in taxes, not to mention the increase in what you will have to fork over to the IRS each year. Many have stated that this bill being pushed is much more than 5 trillion dollars. Our Nation is already in debt 27 trillion dollars, and they want to add more. To put that in prospective for you, if our whole Nation got together and decided to pay off that debt, each family’s share would be well over $200,000! If this bill is pushed through, you will be leaving a debt upon the families of your children and grandchildren of over $300,000! We want each one of you to look at what 5 trillion dollars looks like.


Look at this number from a different perspective. Bill Gates, was the richest person on earth in 2017 according to the Forbes rich list. He was worth only 86 billion dollars (that’s billions, not the bigger trillions). If at that time he was to take all of his money out in $100 bills, and stack them all up, it would reach to a height of 55 miles above the earth. nearly 6 times higher than where jets normally fly. One trillion dollars would reach around 631 miles, two and one-half times higher than the International Space Station. (the Calculator site, Becky Kleanthous, 15 February 2021.) That would be just for 1 trillion dollars. Are your eyes watering yet? Has your head exploded yet? But here we are in our Nation considering adding yet more debt to our already struggling economy. Why? What are they thinking in Washington D.C.? So we come to the title of our blog, “JUST SAY NO”. This was a saying made famous by the Nation’s First Lady, Nancy Reagan, in the 1980’s and early 1990’s as part of the U.S. “War on Drugs”. We are adapting this saying to fit a different kind of drug, the drug of money. We are encouraging all to “JUST SAY NO” when it comes to increasing our National debt ceiling, pushing the decision to a later date with a CR (Continuing Resolution), and the two “infrastructure” bills being rammed through by our Representatives and Senators in Washington D.C.

Each one of us must live within a budget. If we do not, we will go bankrupt, or be put in jail. Why do we allow our government to so recklessly plod forward throwing our money away on many useless grants and dreams, most becoming sources of revenue for those who really do become millionaires or even billionaires. We have allowed this to continue on for way too long. It is time to put a stop to this dangerous and damaging policy of always increasing our Nation’s debt limit. We simply need to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! “JUST SAY NO”. Are we alone in the belief that our Nation’s funding is out of control? No. A Rasmussen pole came out on September 27, 2021 with the following numbers in their poling. Should the debt ceiling be raised? 40% in favor, 52% oppose. Do you want the 3.5 trillion dollar spending package to be passed? 36% in favor, 53% oppose. Is the spending package a “Trojan Horse” (hiding devastation disguised in a package of free gifts)? 33% say no, 59% believe it is. We are not alone. As we wrote in a previous blog on June 20, 2021, “THERE ARE MORE OF US, THAN OF THEM”. We simply need to tell all who will hear us, “JUST SAY NO”.

Our Nation is at a crisis point where bureaucracy has bloated to the point of explosion. When it explodes, the infectious puss will be everywhere, and there will be no ability to save the failing patient . . . . . our Nation. We need to reign in the out of control spending and streamline our government back to the intentions our Founding Fathers had for it. The states, being closer to the people, were to be the innovators and inventers of policies and procedures best suited to each region, to each state. It was never intended that the government in Washington D.C. was to be the overlord and dictator of one-size-fits-all mandates. We need to have a cleaning of the house in our Nation’s Capitol. Too many are living lavishly off the dole of our uncontrollable government spending. We can emphasize how out of control our bureaucracy has become by pointing out only a couple ways this has happened.

Consider for a moment the bureaucracy being created within our national education system. From 1975 to 2008, the number of faculty increased 10%, while the administration increased 221% . For schools between 1950 to 2009, students increased 96%, while teachers increased 252% and administration increased 702%. (Tucker Carlson Tonight, September 24, 2021, Sumantra Maitra, Senior Contributor to The Federalist and a National Fellow at the Center For National Interest.) Consider also what the current government bills include. The “infrastructure” bill is 2700 pages thick. The “Human Infrastructure” bill is still being written (but they still want to vote on it), and it could exceed 8,000 pages in length. It is planned for an increase to the IRS budget of 79 billion dollars. This will allow them to increase from 75,000 to 125,000 employees. The additional 50,000 will not all be going after the few billionaires in our Nation, because they will instead be going after you. Not yet in the bill, but expected to be included by all in the know, is a provision for the IRS to be informed of, by all banking institutions, any personal transaction over $600. The government will be looking at all of your finances, and they will be wanting more than what you currently give. You can expect more audits, more rulings against you, and you will be paying more to pay to the IRS in taxes due, penalties, and interest. We are sure there will be substantial increases in Capital Gains and Death Taxes. Aren’t we having fun giving more and more of our hard earned money to the wasteful bureaucrats in Washington D.C.? If you don’t think that is fun or a good idea . . . . . . “JUST SAY NO”.

If you feel as we do that our current government needs to work within a budget, that there should be no raising of the debt ceiling, no Continuing Resolutions (CRs), and no to the 5 trillion in “infrastructure” spending, you need to call and email your Representatives in the House, and your Senators. Be kind but forceful. Tell them to “JUST SAY NO”. It is time to take back our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.


Most of us are familiar with the term “The Fog of War”. For those who may not be familiar with this term, following is a pretty good definition. “Nebel des Krieges (German) is the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in military operations. The term seeks to capture the uncertainty regarding one’s own capability, adversary capability, and adversary intent during an engagement, operation, or campaign. ” (Wikipedia). We want to adapt this term making reference not to a kinetic war, but to a political, philosophical conflict, attempting to remake America in an image not envisioned by the founders of our Nation. We call this “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”.

There are a lot of suggestions that have been put forward as to how one should more safely drive at night, or in fog as depicted in the short video above. In a more succinct rule, one should never out-drive your ability to see and to stop or avoid an obstruction safely. At night, never out-drive your headlights and your ability to stop within the range of your headlight beams. In fog, you should never drive faster than your ability to stop, or avoid obstacles, within the distance you can see ahead. In the video above, the driver was fortunate to have an emergency escape path on the right of the road. Had the conflict of traffic occurred five seconds later, there would have been no escape from a catastrophic and undoubtedly deadly crash. Our attempt in this blog is to relate the driving experience above to the current life experiences of most citizens living within our Nation today. Many in our Nation today are living in “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”.

In “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”, many of our Nation’s citizens are unsure of what lies all around them. Certainly there is an unawareness of what potentially lies ahead. It cannot be accurately seen or predicted. There are hazards just waiting to cause conflict, and potential ruin. Even though their gaze may be focused ahead, wondering what lies beyond the ability to see, there is without a doubt an inability to see or recognize what is to the left or to the right. It is though one is proceeding through life with blinders on, those flaps placed on the side of horses heads preventing their eyesight from seeing things that could startle them from either side, keeping them focused on the road ahead. For humans, peripheral vision is very important. Being able to see what is approaching from the side could allow one to be better able to make alterations in proceeding forward. To ignore what lies to the left or right in our life can deny one the ability to avoid a catastrophe in our path ahead. Just as in the video above, that driver had an escape path which allowed the continuation safely forward. There is also an unfortunate tendency to ignore what lies behind. True, one cannot drive safely forward by only watching the rearview mirror, but it has been provided in a vehicle as a reminder that hazards can also come from behind. We believe many in “THE FOG OF AMERICANA” forget what has happened before in our Nation. Many seem to live with a form of long-term memory loss. Many seem only concerned with what is happening today. When driving, do you recall the last major intersection you drove through? If your car breaks down on the road, do you recall how far you need to walk back to attain service? If you have driven in an unusual location, without navigational guidance, could you retrace your route to get back to where you started? What in the world does any of this have to do with living life in our Nation today?

Let us start with the view ahead. There is a need for us to spend time in rational thought to be as predictive as possible as to what may or may not lie ahead for us individually, or for us collectively as a Nation. This requires an analysis of the plethora of information and data that is available. Unfortunately, most of what is widely available is biased to form a particular narrative supporting the “woke” agenda, current government and corporate elites, and in conjunction with a mostly compliant media. To a great degree, these forces have been successful in helping to create and maintain “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”. In order to proceed safely forward to a successful destination, all sources of information and data needs to be incorporated to become best informed, to obtain the best possible outcome. This requires the evaluation of even that which is labeled as “miss-information”, as it often times contradicts the agenda of those wishing to control the narrative leading to their own desired outcomes. As we move forward, we need to do so cautiously making sure we do not out-drive our ability to see what lies ahead. Blindly rushing forward will only eventually lead to catastrophe.

Few things are more devastating in life as having been blind-sided by something we didn’t see coming. We are caught off guard, unprepared, and often permanently impacted by the effects. When driving, you should continue to scan left and right, not rigidly focused ahead. When approaching an intersection, do you look to the left and right to insure someone else isn’t trying to occupy the same space in the middle with you at the same time? When driving on a highway, are you aware of emergency lanes, or ditches and other obstructions that could hinder potential avoidance of on-coming conflicts? When it comes to the direction of our Nation, are we aware of movements, forces, agendas that are not in our clear view. In “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”, much is being purposefully hidden and obscured hoping that by the time they become apparent, it will be too late to make adjustments or even prevent altering changes to the core of our Constitution and Bill Of Rights?

To know the past is to better know the future. When we as a Nation fail to recognize who we are as a consequence of our past, we will be no better than a ship without a rudder, driven at will by the current of time, winds of change, and waves of force. When residing in “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”, many have succumbed to the idea that the past is irrelevant, destructive to know, something to be avoided, and something to be changed. Do you ever wonder who your ancestors were? How did they live? What did they do? What were their hopes and dreams? Have their dreams become our nightmares? If they have, why and how has this happened? There are a few in the “woke” minority that aim to re-write our history, in hopes of justifying their perceptions of today. In their attempts to do so, they are only recreating disasters that our Nation has fought to overcome in the last two hundred plus years. Without a clear view of what lies behind in our Nation’s history, we may be doomed to repeat it. As we look behind in our rearview mirror, we need to be reminded of what has come before, so that we will not repeat the errors of the past, but more importantly, be able to improve upon that which has already been conquered. Tearing down historical statues, breaking and re-writing well established laws, and altering processes and procedures that have been placed purposefully for our Nation’s protection and sustainability, all contribute to forgetting from whence we come, and if that happens, we will lose contact with the reason we left, and where we wanted to go. Our moving forward will have no purpose. Our Nation will end up in the dustbin of historical relics, failed experiments, and dashed dreams.

Why is it that so many of our citizens seem so satisfied to drive blindly forward? It is because so many are living in “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”. We believe many have been lulled into a state of lethargic satisfaction. While perceiving all is well within their narrow view or bubble of influence, being able to make due with the seemingly status quo, accepting the false premise that it is always better to “go along, to get along”, many will soon find the quicksand of a new reconstruction era is ever-consuming, and will lead to the demise not only of individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY, but also to the destruction of the same for our Nation, and for all who will follow us in life. We also believe many in our Nation feel so overwhelmed with the constant barrage of so many miss-managed national issues by our current government, that there is a tendency to simply shrink within one’s personal security space, and hunker down in hopes that it somehow will miraculously get better. It is long past time to drive out of “THE FOG OF AMERICANA”, and move forward with clarity of thought and vision. Only then will our Nation be safe and prosperous, and all it’s citizens enjoy that which has been given to us through the decades at such great cost . . . . our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.


There certainly is an abundance of controversy concerning the overall effectiveness of vaccines, and whether or not there is a NATURAL IMMUNITY to the COVID-19 virus. In a previous blog we had covered the topic of VACCINE EFFICACY. We will not rehash that which has already been documented through this website. What we haven’t yet discussed is the topic of NATURAL IMMUNITY, whether it exists, who may have it, and how can one get it. We are not doctors or immunologists, but we can gather the information from those who are, and report what we have found, and even give direction as to those things to consider when considering NATURAL IMMUNITY. What is surprising to us is that there is a constant emphasis from our current government, and supporting elite entities, to push a particular narrative that addresses only the need to get injections, without considering a broader range of factors. They go so far as to even label as “miss-information” those other factors that have a direct bearing upon a human’s ability to resist this virus, counter-act it’s effects early on, and place the appropriate emphasis upon those who really are at risk of this virus, or any virus for that matter. Sure, they have mentioned that elderly are more susceptible, but the elderly are more susceptible to everything. It is well known that as we age, our bodies begin to break down. Bones break more easily, sleep cycles are altered, and the ability to heal from an infection or disease is compromised, and it takes longer to recover. But who really is at serious risk of this virus beyond the elderly?

We have heard the term “comorbidities”, but has that ever really been explained, documented, and widely disseminated by the current government or their supportive elite entities? How about a chart where one can rate your susceptibility to COVID-19? Include one’s weight, sex, ethnicity, blood type, age, and list those comorbidities that are serious, like being a smoker, or having asthma. One could enter the chart with the appropriate factors and be able to quickly establish their personal risk factor, rated on a numerical or alphabetical scale. Has the current government or supporting elites ever listed, documented, or disseminated over-the-counter products, like zinc or vitamin D, that can improve one’s immune system, allowing it to be better able to fend off a variety of viruses? What about the number of therapeutics that have been found effective in dozens of cases where doctors have been doing what they swore by the Hippocratic Oath to do . . . . . PRACTICE medicine! Doctors have used medicines that have already proven to be effective against the virus, like Ivermectin, and the monoclonal antibodies. These are medicines that can ease symptoms, reduce the duration of the virus’s effects, and even prevent possible hospitalization. Yes, medicine is based on science, but science is either proven or disproven by experimentation, trial and error. We used to believe the earth was flat, until some idiot decided to sail his vessel off the edge, and thus disproved the reasoned thought of the day. We need to let doctors do what they are supposed to do, whatever it takes to heal their patients. Doctors do not need the intervention of the “woke” culture, biased media, myopic government, pharmaceutical companies with billions of dollars gleaming in their eyes, and pharmacists who have been directed to hinder doctors and their patients from getting medicines for the best possible treatments.

We need to accept the fact that COVID-19, and it’s various mutations, will likely be with us for years to come. Just as it is with the flu, chasing its demise is a never-ending search for nirvana. Each year a new flu vaccine formula is developed in hopes of predicting what variants will emerge, and they are never 100% effective. Even if you get the flu injection, you may still get the flu. We try to mitigate the impact of flu by encouraging people to sneeze into your elbow, wash your hands, and take advantage of the number of therapeutics that are available over-the-counter to reduce the severity and duration of the flu virus and it’s symptoms. We do not chase the flu viruses around with mandated injections in hope of their eradication. We never even consider when we may achieve HURD IMMUNITY with the flu, or the common cold for that matter, because we never can. There is a real danger when putting all of our eggs (read that as COVID-19 vaccine) into one basket (read that as the final demise of COVID-19). We have been relying too heavily upon vaccines that are for the most part only available through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), have not been through the normal testing processes and pier reviews, and that have now been proven to have created numerous health issues, even leading to death. Consider the most recent denial the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received regarding their request for the Pfizer booster shot for most people. Finally, a COVID-19 vaccine finally got the pier review (by the FDA Advisory Panel) bypassed in the previous EUA process, where in this case 16 of the 18 participants denied the approval. They cited lack of data and safety concerns. Stunning!

Finally, this last Friday, September 17, on the Fox News broadcast of “The Story with Martha MacCallum”, Dr. Marty Makary (Johns Hopkins University Professor) stated “. . . we [are] getting the biggest study on NATURAL IMMUNITY out of Israel showing NATURAL IMMUNITY is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity, and yet the CDC with 21,000 employees has not done anything comparable.” (We have added the caps and bold type for emphasis.) Dr. Makary went on the say “Not talking about NATURAL IMMUNITY is a way in which public health officials lose credibility.” He also stated “Complication rate may be higher after vaccination in those who have previous NATURAL IMMUNITY.”

Our blog has always been about each citizen having the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to make an informed individual choice, not constrained by an elite agenda, or submersed into the realm of non-existence by the cancel culture. We believe an informed public is an intellectual public, being able to make rational, well thought out decisions. That has been our aim, and always will be. We encourage all to consider the importance of NATURAL IMMUNITY. You can get that by having had COVID-19, and we believe a large number of our citizens have had this virus and didn’t even know it, because of the individual’s own immune system did its thing, fighting off the invading virus. Do not be forced into taking something you do not feel comfortable taking. Consult with your doctor. Become knowledgeable about this virus and the treatments to overcome it. We still live in a free society. If we surrender our FREEDOM and LIBERTY, we may never get it back.


We get it! Many of you are frustrated, confused, and quite frankly ready to give up and give in. We are here to give you hope, and to give you direction needed to counter the attacks on our FREEDOMS and LIBERTY. We are being attacked from every side, and our ability to resist seems only a futile attempt to forestall the inevitable. Our Nation is being invaded from our southern border, while at the same time allowing the spread of disease, drug and sex trafficking, much of it while providing our tax dollars to aid those who are violating our established laws. Our Congress seems determined to plunge us and our prodigy into eternal debt by passing out free money while printing more and more. There is so much violence in so many of our cities, and those who are sworn to subdue it are vilified and prevented by the woke minority from doing their jobs in the way they were trained. Our current government seems hell-bent on making sure every single person in our Nation is injected with vaccines that now seem less and less effective, can in fact aid in the spread of new variants, and have their own risks that can lead to death and permanent injury to long-term health. Major corporations are able to control freedom of speech by cancelling anything which is contrary to the narrative they choose to promote. All of this happens while those we have elected to Congress are feckless, weak, often duplicitous, and more concerned with their own status and pay, than with the health of our Nation and wishes of their constituents. There are attacks on our right to own and bear arms, and on those humans that are yet in the womb. Let us not forget the way our current administration and military leaders chose to exit Afghanistan. They left behind Americans, Green Card holders, and those who gave aid to our military for over 20 years, along with their families, only to eventually be hunted down and tortured or killed. Consider the BILLIONS of dollars of prime war equipment left to terrorists and to countries that only seek our Nation’s harm. Our Nation’s credibility around the world has been jeopardized by forsaken promises, which have only embolden our enemies. All of this was done as our toothless government leaders stood idly by, making only carefully couched statements in an attempt to divert attention from their own plan that was BUNGLED BADLY.

There remains hope. Even though we are pressed on every side, we have tools, methods, and a righteous cause on our side. We have faith, and when combined with courage and determined actions, we will prevail. The picture above depicts an event which occurred around 3,000 years ago. It is a story pitting good verses evil (I Samuel, chapter 17). The Philistines were a warring nation seemingly set against the nation of Israel by God due to Israel’s failure to drive the Philistines out, as Israel had been commanded. In the battle depicted above, each opposing force camped on opposite hills with a valley between. The campion for the Philistines was a champion warrior named Goliath. He stood over 9 feet tall, wore scale armor, had a spear like a weavers beam, and his shield carrier went before him. Goliath taunted the Israelites, challenging them to send out their best to battle, the loser’s nation would then serve the winner’s nation. When he spoke, the Israelites would run in fear as they had no counter to the size of the warrior Goliath. David, a young Israelite shepherd, coming to bring supplies to his brothers on the front line, witnessed his people cowering in fear, not having faith that their God would overcome anything if His people would only believe it so. David had proved his braveness while shepherding by killing both a lion and a bear. He convinced King Saul of the Israelites that he was up to the task, and was fitted with the King’s armor, but this was not David’s way of fighting, so put them aside. David went to a brook, and picked up FIVE SMOOTH STONES, and went on the offense with his sling shot in hand. If you have heard this story before, you know the outcome.

Here are the lessons we can learn to defeat those opposed to us. We must recognize that there is a war about us that cannot be seen, between good and evil. FIRST, have FAITH that God is on our side. We fight for truth, morality, FREEDOM and LIBERTY. SECOND, COURAGE is that which propels us to action. THIRD, we must gather our own FAMILIAR WEAPONS. Why did David get five stones? The story tells us he only needed one. We must have backups to backups, options from which to choose from. It is not necessarily a weakness of our faith, it is using wisdom to not GO FORTH without adequate preparation. FOURTH, we must ENGAGE the opposition. Go boldly, without fear, but with resilience and purpose. FIFTH, David chose to IGNOR RIDICULE, THREATS, AND PROMISES shouted by Goliath, for they are not the weapons of war, but only the weapons of the overconfident and unbelieving. It is really interesting to notice that David told Goliath he would remove Goliath’s head. With what? David didn’t have a sword, he only carried a walking stick. After David pulled out one of his FIVE SMOOTH STONES, loaded his sling, he ran to meet Goliath, slung the stone and sunk it deeply into the forehead of the giant Goliath. SIXTH, know where lies your OPPONENTS WEAKNESS, the soft spot in the armor. LASTLY, USE OPPONENTS TOOLS to prove their vulnerability. David used Goliath’s own sword to remove Goliath’s head. They intend those tools for our harm, but use the same tools they want to use on us to defeat them. David killed Goliath, and the Philistines fled and were overcome by the Israelite nation in pursuit.

SEVEN lessons are there for us to learn and use. Do not be fearful of the fight that lies ahead. Rely upon your wisdom and training. Go on the offensive, and do not simply play defense. Fight fire with fire and use the same tools those who oppose us use. We do not need to lie, cheat, or steal. When we have succeeded, we will have saved our Nation, upheld our dignity, and joined the ranks of those who have gone on before us to defend and sustain the greatest nation on this earth, The United States of America.

What stones do you choose to gather?


TOPSHOT – Taliban fighters sit in the cockpit of an Afghan Air Force aircraft at the airport in Kabul on August 31, 2021, after the US has pulled all its troops out of the country to end a brutal 20-year war — one that started and ended with the hardline Islamist in power. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP) (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images)

WHO IS IN CONTROL? This is a question any reasoned person will ask before riding in someone’s car, or before walking onboard an aircraft that will carry you miles above the earth, going hundreds of miles per hour. We trust the airline captain, because we know hundreds of hours of training and certifying, testing and practice, have been completed. We are willing to trust our lives to the care of a captain after weighing the risks and accepting the responsibility for our choice. How comfortable would you be with the crew shown in the picture above? How comfortable would you be flying on an airline that would allow these people to assume these positions of responsibility?

We certainly have a right and duty to review the bona fides of the individuals in the picture above. Most who have followed any news of late realize that these are members of a terrorist organization, who believe in only one way to live, and all who disagree with them, or resist them, need to be eliminated. These fighters do not hide who or what they are. They do not couch their beliefs in hidden agendas, or with flowery speech. We know exactly where they stand, and what they stand for. The extremely dangerous individuals are the ones who have put these terrorists in the positions they now occupy in that cockpit above. The ones we now speak of do not openly reveal who they really are, or what they really stand for. They do have hidden agendas, and they do speak with flowery statements. How do we ferret out those who act contrary to what they reveal openly? All one has to do is to look at the actions they have taken, for actions always speak louder than words.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be rich, to be able to afford anything your heart desired? Granted, with money comes great power and great responsibility, but it also comes with consequence, often times compromising one’s better judgement, wisdom, and even moral conscious. As tax payers in this Nation of ours, we bear responsibility for allowing our government to conscript our hard earned dollars, for which we supposedly celebrate on this coming Labor Day. Beyond that, we alone bear the responsibility for those we either put in positions of power, or who have even been placed there though often times nefarious means. Those who treasure FREEEDOM and LIBERTY have a responsibility and a duty to expose hidden agendas, woke extremists, tyrannical government entities, and compliant corporations and media. We do this by speaking out, and by writing and publishing contrary information to the false narratives being promulgated.

“BUILD BACK BETTER”. How has that been working out for you . . . . and for our Nation? Leave it to the current occupant of the White House to plagiarize, once again, for which it required a withdrawal from a previous run for that office, a phrase used by someone else. The phrase was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, as a framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, to build better infrastructures following natural disasters. It is openly globalist in nature. Even Bill Clinton used the slogan in 2006 while serving as a UN special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. More could be said about this phrase, but not for this blog. We only mention it since this phrase has become an unmitigated disaster, as it is being used as a foundational principle to fundamentally change our Nation. We only have time and space to mention a few ways this is being done.

We have a more appropriate phrase . . . . “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY”. For a moment, let us just consider what has occurred in Afghanistan over the last 20 years. We do not wish to overlook the thousands of lives lost, including Afghans who were trying to defend their own country from an invasion of terrorists. We will not overlook the tens of thousands wounded, who’s lives have been irrevocably changed, which ripples through time on their families, friends, associations, and businesses. We will not overlook the hundreds, maybe thousands, that our government leaders have admitted leaving behind as they directed our Nation to run away with tail between our legs. That cost can never be calculated in dollars. It can only be viewed in the pages of history yet to be written. There are other consequences to decisions that cannot be measured in dollars. Consider for example the abandonment of the Bagram Air Base. Consider the phrase “Geography can become Destiny.” Look at a map of Afghanistan and the surrounding countries. Afghanistan is landlocked, and the United States has now no access directly to it. Iran borders it on the west, and China on the east, two countries that top the list of countries wanting the destruction of our Nation. Pakistan (possessors of many nuclear weapons) shares the largest border, who continues to harbor and support several terrorists groups. This is the country where our Nation found and killed Osama bin Laden, planner of the 9-11 attack on our Nation which killed nearly 3,000 people and altered the course of our Nation. Our Nation now has no foothold in this festering, turbulent area of our world. We currently have over 25,000 troops in South Korea, 65 years after the Korean War. Our Nation has about 50,000 troops in Japan and surrounding areas, and about 34,000 troops in Germany following World War II. The United States has between 150,000 to 200,000 troops stationed around the world in multiple countries at any one time. It seems illogical to not keep a few troops in Afghanistan, the source of the worst ever attack on U. S. soil, especially considering it’s geographical strategic importance.

Few in our Nation wanted to see a large contingent force of troops remain in Afghanistan, but the ability to maintain a watchful presence seemed appropriate. It was not the pullout of troops that dismayed most in our Nation, it was the method of how that was accomplished, and where the pullout was from. The eventual cost of this pullout, called a “retrograde” (read that as “retreat”), cannot be fully measured now. Who knows how other nations will react over time to our sudden and haphazard pullout. Nations against the U. S. see it as weakness and may take advantage of this, either in economic terms, or potentially in kinetic terms (read that as war). Nations that have been our allies for decades now have to consider our Nation’s dependability, and commitment to promises or agreements made. Do you really believe most of the Afghans who supported us in the last two decades will be so willing to offer assistance to us ever again? Many of them were left behind in our hasty retreat, and most will eventually suffer to the point of death for supporting our Nation. Are you proud of how our government and military leaders have performed in the last several weeks and months? We started this blog by asking a simple question, “WHO IS IN CONTROL?” We ask this question because it is clear that the title of our blog cannot be denied, “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY.”

Without considering the human costs, or the costs to our Nation’s credibility and security, let us simply count the cost of the weapons of war our Nation’s leaders left behind in Afghanistan in our hasty retreat. The following is just a partial list because it does not include AMMO, BOMBS, MISSILES, ROCKETS, DRONES, UNIFORMS, MREs (Meals Ready to Eat), BOTTLED WATER & ENERGY DRINKS, PHONES, and even things like widows and door knobs. It has been estimated that over 3.5 million items were left behind. Again, remember, that is your tax dollars at work. The cost of the items we will list do not include the cost to transport and maintain these items, and the infrastructure required to do all of that. Consider also the cost of releasing around 5,000 prisoners, violent offenders. What do you suppose is the recidivism rate of those terrorists? Below is a list provided by the U. S. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING OFFICE (GAO):

22,174 Humvies

634 M117

155 MxxPro (Mine Proof Vehicles)

169 M113 (Armored Personnel Carriers)

42,000 Trucks & SUVs

64,363 Machine Guns

8,000 Trucks

162,043 Radios

16,035 Night Vision Goggles/Devices

358,530 Assault Riffles

126,000 Handguns

176 Artillery Pieces

The SPECIAL INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR AFGHAN ATTACK AIRCRAFT (Reconstruction SIGAR) added the following items to the list:

33 MI-17 (Helicopters)

33 UH-60 Blackhawks

43 MD 530 (Helicopters)

4 C-130 Transports

23 Embraer EMB 314/A29 Super Tucano

28 Cessna 208

10 Cessna AC-208 Strike Aircraft

What is the cost of all of this equipment? How about anywhere from 83 to 90 BILLION DOLLARS! Imagine the improvements that could have been made within our own Nation had this been applied to our benefit. Not only did we experience “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY”, but in the process we have squandered lives, respect, and security, and equipped our enemies with some of the best equipment our Nation has to offer, now in the hands of terrorists, and eventually into the hands of other nations who would take advantage of all of this to our potential demise. If you add to the debacle of the Afghanistan retreat the myriad of other baffling decisions made by the current administration, including the push to add even more to our Nation’s bloated financial deficit, the continuing desire to fund people for not working, the rate of inflation, the cost of illegal aliens and Afghan “refugees” flooding our Nation, and the human cost of suicides, homicides, criminal theft and assaults, you have to admit that the current administration is responsible for “BILLIONS BUNGLED BADLY.”